
고2-4과 기출문제

장코폴로 2011. 6. 11. 08:57

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. (4.6점 M)

News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, ① arousing the curiosity of all those ② who heard about it. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, ③ controlling it until 1780.

Unfortunately, during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, closed the universities, and ④ destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" ⑤to be a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler.

★ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.<교과서 4과>

(A) "I had to search from here to Timbuktu to find the book you wanted!" If someone said that to you, would you understand what that person meant? The word, "Timbuktu" has come to refer to any remote location, far away from ordinary places. You might hear people say, "I'm sorry I'm late. I had to park my car in Timbuktu," or "I want to go to a good university in the city, not one out in Timbuktu." But is Timbuktu a real place? Where is it, really?

(B) Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby.

At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold!

During the reign of King Mansa Moussa, beautiful mosques and schools were built to teach his religion, Islam. The most famous of these was Sankore Mosque, also known as Sankore University, which had about 25,000 students. Timbuktu became a cultural center, not only for Africa but for the Islamic world. From the 12th century until Morocco's invasion in the 16th century, Timbuktu enjoyed its golden age.

2. [서술형1] 위글의 (A)에서 밑줄 친 Timbuktu의 의미를 본문에서 찾아 10단어 내외의 영어로 쓰시오.(4점)


3. 위글의 (B)에서 Timbuktu에 대한 설명과 일치하는 것은?[1.5점]

① Timbuktu invaded Morroco.

② Timbuktu is an imaginary place.

③ Timbuktu was the center of learning in Africa.

④ Timbuktu is the city of Mali in southern Africa.

⑤ Timbuktu was home to a booming gold and pepper trade.

★ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.<교과서 4과>

News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, arousing the curiosity of all those who heard about it. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, controlling it until 1780. Unfortunately, during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, closed the universities and destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" to being a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler.

In Europe, however, the city's reputation continued to live on. It was said that Timbuktu was covered with gold, and many royals and explorers were eager to see it. Various European explorers tried again and again to reach the city but were unsuccessful. They did not know how to cross the Sahara Desert, and many did not survive their attempts.

Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to anyone who could bring back news of Timbuktu. It was a dangerous mission, and the first person to return alive was Frenchman Rene Caillie. He traveled through the desert for a year, learning Arabic and disguising himself as an Arab. When he arrived in Timbuktu in 1828, though, instead of gold and riches, he found a poor town with a strong intellectual and religious life. The houses were small and made of earth, not gold. When the French colonized the area in 1894, more than twenty schools were still open and doing very well.

4. Rene Caillie가 Timbuktu에 도착했을 때, Timbuktu의 모습으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점]

① It was a rich and growing town.

② It was a vibrant and lively town.

③ It was a scholarly and religious town.

④ It was a gloomy and melancholy town.

⑤ It was a devastated and exhausted town.

5. [서술형2] 위 글의 내용을 다음과 같이 표로 정리할 때 (1), (2)에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 본문에서 찾아 각각 10단어 이내의 영어로 쓰시오. [8점, 각4점]





News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, arousing the curiosity of all those who heard about it.




The rulers did not take good care of the city and it went from being the "City of Gold" to being a poor town.



The Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to anyone who could bring back news of Timbuktu.

The first person to return alive was Frenchman Rene Caillie and the French colonized the area in 1894.

답: (1)


6. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.5점]<교과서 4과>

. on the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve. The precious documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

① Timbuktu is a town of contrast.

② Timbuktu is a town for education.

③ Timbuktu is a town of religious people.

④ Timbuktu is a town which is very poor and humble.

⑤ Timbuktu is a town named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

7. 다음 중, 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 적당하지 않은 문장은?(2.9점)-[4과]

① He was a dedicated and loyal employee.

② Please show your support by sending a generous contribution to the Flood Relief Fund.

③ If you read more books, you will have more intellectual powers.

④ The gas may have been stored in the ocean floor, probably until it was disturbed by a massive geographical event, such as an earthquake.

⑤ Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.

8. Which one can not be inferred from the writing below?(2.7점)-[4과]

"I had to search from here to Timbuktu to find the book you wanted!" If someone said that to you, would you understand what that person meant? The word, "Timbuktu" has come to refer to any remote location, far away from ordinary places. You might hear people say, "I'm sorry I'm late. I had to park my car in Timbuktu," or "I want to go to a good university in the city, not one out in Timbuktu." But is Timbuktu a real place? Where is it, really?

Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby.

At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold! Timbuktu was also a cultural center, not only for Africa but for the Islamic world. From the 12th century until Morocco's invasion in the 16th century, Timbuktu enjoyed its golden age.

① In English conversation, "Timbuktu" may refer to any remote location, far from ordinary places.

② Jerusalem, and Xi'an are examples of culturally and historically important cities.

③ Timbuktu is a real place which is in the middle of Sahara Desert.

④ Timbuktu used to be called "City of Gold" because it was center of gold and salt trade.

⑤ Morocco invaded Timbuktu, which made Timbuktu lose its reputation as a central city.

9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?(2.6점)-[4과]

During the reign of King Mansa Moussa, beautiful mosques and schools were built to teach his religion, Islam. The most famous of these was Sankore Mosque, also known as Sankore University, which had about 25,000 students. Sankore was built in 1581 and became the center of the Islamic scholarly community in Timbuktu. Snakore University was very different in organization from the universities of Europe. It was composed of several entirely independent schools or colleges, each run by a single master. Students associated themselves with a single teacher, and courses took place in the open courtyards of mosque complexes or private houses. The primary focus of these schools was on the teaching of Islam, although broader instruction in fields such as logic, astronomy, and history also took place.

① Sankore University에서는 한때 25,000명의 학생들이 다니기도 했었다.

② Sankore University는 1581년에 설립되었으며 유럽의 기존 대학교들과 많은 차이가 있었다.

③ Sankore University는 완전히 독립된 여러 개의 학교들로 구성되었다.

④ Sankore University의 학생들은 개인의 집에서 수업을 받을 때도 있었다.

⑤ Sankore University에서 주로 가르친 과목은 논리학, 천문학, 역사이다.

* 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오.

News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, ____(A)_____. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, controlling it until 1780. Unfortunately, during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, closed the universities and destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" to being a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler.

In Europe, however, the city's reputation continued to live on. It was said that Timbuktu was covered with gold, and many royals and explorers were eager to see it. Various European explorers tried again and again to reach the city but were unsuccessful. They did not know how to cross the Sahara Desert, and many did not survive their attempts.

Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to anyone who could bring back news of Timbuktu. It was a dangerous mission, and the first person to return alive was Frenchman Rene Caillie. He traveled through the desert for a year, learning Arabic and disguising himself as an Arab. When he arrived in Timbuktu in 1828, though, instead of gold and riches, he found a poor town with a strong intellectual and religious life. The houses were small and made of earth, not gold. When the French colonized the area in 1894, more than twenty schools were still open and doing very well.

10. [주관식 1] 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 '그것에 대해 들은 사람들 모두의 호기심을 불러일으키며'의 의미가 되도록 아래 주어진 단어를 적절하게 활용하여 12단어 이하로 영작하시오.(6점)-[4과]

arouse / hear / curious

-> _______________________________

11. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중에서 어법이 틀린 것은?(3.1점)-[4과]

① ⓐ② ⓑ③ ⓒ④ ⓓ⑤ ⓔ

12. 윗글에 의거한 다음의 설명에 대해 맞으면 O, 틀리면 X를 순서대로 표시한 것은?(3점)-[4과]

㉠ 황금도시 Timbuktu의 번영은 시대를 거쳐 지속되었다.

㉡ 많은 유럽인들이 Timbuktu 방문을 시도하여 큰 성과를 거두었다.

㉢ Rene Caille가 도착한 Timbuktu에는 작고 흙으로 만든 집들이 있었다.

㉣ Timbuktu는 1894년 프랑스의 식민지가 되었다.

㉠ - ㉡ - ㉢ - ㉣

① X - X - O - O

② X - X - O - X

③ X - O - X - O

④ O - X - O - O

⑤ O - X - O - X

13. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ㉮~㉴에서 어법에 맞지 않는 것을 모두 포함한 것은?(3.3점)-[4과]

Driving through the desert, we were surprised at the number of trees growing there. I thought the desert was an empty place, but there were many villages filling with life. Watching us arrive, the villagers welcomed us by waving their hands in the air. Impressed with the warm welcome, we got out of the jeep. The smell of fresh food cooking on the fire soon made us very hungry. Being pleased with the variety of dishes the village chief served, we tried to taste as many new things as we could. ㉴ Seeing through the eyes of foreigners, they were quite warm and friendly people.

① ㉰, ㉴② ㉰, ㉳③ ㉯, ㉴

④ ㉯, ㉲⑤ ㉳, ㉴

14. 다음 중 아래 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓒ에 들어갈 단어를 순서대로 바르게 배열한 것은.(3.1점)-[4과]

Today, Timbuktu is in the independent country of Mali. Some of the beautiful old buildings are still standing, and Sankore University is also still open, with about 15,000 students. It's a town of [contrasts/ controversies]. on the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve. The [previous/ precious] documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has been named a UNESCO World ⓒ [Hesitation/ Heritage] Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ

① contrasts precious Hesitation

② controversies previous Heritage

③ controversies precious Hesitation

④ contrasts previous Heritage

⑤ contrasts precious Heritage

15. [주관식 2] 아래 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 접속사와 주어를 갖춘 절로 바꾸어 쓰시오.(4점)-[4과]

Not having read the paper, they could not understand

what others were talking about.

-> ______________________________

16. 다음 글을 읽고 it이 가리키는 것 중 다른 하나는?4과

Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. ①It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, ②it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby.

At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. ③It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." ④It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy ⑤it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold!

17. 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?4과

Today, Timbuktu is in the independent country of Mali. Some of the beautiful old buildings are still standing, and Sankore University is also still open, with about 15,000 students. It's a town of .

On the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve. The precious documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

① beauty② being poor③ being rich

④ contrasts⑤ similarities

18. 다음 글의 ①-⑤에서 밑줄 친 It(it)이 가리키는 대상이 나머지와 다른 것을 고르시오. (3.1)

Timbuktu is a real town in the country of Mali in west Africa. ①It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi‘an. ②It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called ③it the "City of Gold." ④It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold!

19. 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?

(①)At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. (②)It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." (③)Some of the beautiful old buildings are still standing, and Sankore University is also still open, with about 15,000 students. (④)It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. (⑤)While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu.


20. 다음 글에서 'Timbuktu'에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?4과

Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby.

At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold!

① 서부 아프리카의 Mali의 실제 마을 이름이다.

② 사하라 사막의 중앙에 위치해 있다.

③ 황금의 도시라고 불렀다.

④ 아프리카에의 학업의 중심지였다.

⑤ 황금과 소금 무역의 본거지였다.

21. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?4과

News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, arousing the curiosity of all those who heard about it. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, controlling it until 1780. (B) , during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, closed the universities and destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" to being a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler.

In Europe, (A) , the city's reputation continued to live on. It was said that Timbuktu was covered with gold, and many royals and explorers were eager to see it. Various European explorers tried again and again to reach the city but were unsuccessful. They did not know how to cross the Sahara Desert, and many did nlt survive their attempts.

(A) (B)

① Alternatively - however

② Fortunately - moreover

③ Fortunately - for instance

④ Unfortunately - therefore

⑤ Unfortunately - however

22. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 4과

Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to anyone who could bring back news of Timbuktu.

(A) The houses were small and made of earth, not gold. When the French colonized the area in 1894, more than twenty schools were still open and doing very well.

(B) when he arrived in Timbuktu in 1828, though, instead of gold and riches, he found a poor town with a strong intellectual and religious life.

(C) It was a dangerous mission, and the first person to return alive was Frenchman Rene Caillie. He traveled through the desert for a year, learning Arabic and disguising himself as an Arab.

① (B)-(A)-(C) ② (B)-(C)-(A) ③ (A)-(C)-(B)

④ (C)-(B)-(A) ⑤ (C)-(A)-(B)

23. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?4과

During the reign of King Mansa Moussa, beautiful mosques and schools ① were built to teach his religion, Islam. The most famous of these ② were Snakore Mosque, also ③ known as Sankore University, ④ which had about 25,000 students. Timbuktu became a cultural center, not only for Africa but for the Islamic world. From the 12th century ⑤ until Morocco's invasion in the 16th century, Timbuktu enjoyed its golden age.

■ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


Although it is still remote and situated on the edge of a great desert, Timbuktu has ①its own airport. Many people still cross the desert or come in on the Niger River, but it is possible to reach it by air, just as if you ②had been flying in to Seoul, Paris, or New York. Going "from here to Timbuktu" is not as difficult as it once was!


It is a town of contrasts. on the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home ③to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve.


The precious documents ④were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has ⑤been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

24. 윗글의 알맞은 순서로 짝지어진 것은?

① B - C - A ② C - B - A

③ A - C - B④ B - A - C

⑤ A - B - C

25. 밑줄 친 부분에서 어법상 어색한 부분은?


26. 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은 곳은?

While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu.

Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. ①There are no other major towns or cities nearby. ②At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. ③It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." ④It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. ⑤Sometimes it was more expensive than gold!

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

27. 'Timbuktu' 에 관한 내용이 사실과 다른 것은?

"I had to search from here to Timbuktu to find the book you wanted!" If someone said that to you, would you understand what that person meant? The word "Timbuktu" has come to refer to any remote location, far away from ordinary places. You might hear people say, "I'm sorry I'm late. I had to park my car in Timbuktu," or, "I want to go to a good university in the city, not one out in Timbuktu." But is Timbuktu a real place? Where is it, really? Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby. At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools.

① 서 아프리카의 Mali 라는 곳의 도시이름이다

② 사하라 사막의 끝자락에 위치해 있다.

③ 실제로는 존재했던 지명이름으로 대학교도 있었다

④ 오늘날에는 사라지고 없는 도시이다

⑤ 한때는 학술 도시로서의 기능도 했었다

28. 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?

①It is a town of contrasts. ②On the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve. ③The precious documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. ④It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. ⑤This town has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

29. 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중 글의 흐름상 어휘의 선택이 어색한 곳은?

Today, Timbuktu is in the ①dependent country of Mali. Some of the beautiful old buildings are still standing, and Sankore University is also still open, with about 15,000 students. It is a town of ②contrasts. on the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to ③priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to ④preserve. The precious documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now ⑤attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

30. 다음 (A), (B), (C)괄호 안에서 들어갈 말로 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?

(A)[During/While] the reign of King Mansa Moussa, beautiful mosques and schools were built to teach his religion, Islam. The most famous of these was Sankore Mosque, also (B)[knowing/known] as Sankore University, (C)[which/where] had about 25,000 students. Timbuktu became a cultural center, not only for Africa but for the Islamic world. From the 12th century until Morocco's invasion in the 16th century, Timbuktu enjoyed its golden age.


During knowingwhich

While knowingwhich


While --- knownwhere

31. 밑줄 It(it)이 가리키는 대상이 다른 하나는?

But is Timbuktu a real place? Where is it, really? Timbuktu is a real town, in a real place, namely, the country of Mali in western Africa. ①It sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert, about 13 kilometers from the Niger River. Living up to its reputation, ②it is a remote place, even today. There are no other major towns or cities nearby. At one time, Timbuktu was a very important city, like Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, and Xi'an. ③It was the center of learning in Africa, and people called it the "City of Gold." ④It was home to a booming gold and salt trade as well as several universities and schools. While traveling in the desert, everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes ⑤it was more expensive than gold!

32. 어법상 어색한 곳은?

Timbuktu became a cultural center, not only for Africa ①but the Islamic world. From the 12th century ②until Morocco's invasion in the 16th century, Timbuktu enjoyed ③its golden age. News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, arousing the curiosity of all those ④who heard about it. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, ⑤controlling it until 1780.


■ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Unfortunately, during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, ①closed the universities, and destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" ②to be a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler. In Europe, however, the city's reputation continued to live on. It was said that Timbuktu was ③covered with gold, and many royals and explorers were eager ④to see it. Various European explorers tried again and again to reach the city but were ____________. They did not know ⑤how to cross the Sahara Desert, and many did not survive their attempts.

33. 밑줄친 ①~⑤중 어법상 어색한 것은?


34. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 표현은?

① priceless ② invaluable ③ unsuccessful

④ worthy⑤ precious

35. 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 의미가 되게 밑줄에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 두 단어로 채우시오. [서술형]

Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to whoever could bring back news of Timbuktu.

⇨ Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to _______ _______ could bring back news of Timbuktu.

36. 다음 (A), (B), (C)괄호 안에서 들어갈 말로 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?

While traveling in the (A)[desert/dessert], everyone needed salt, so they had to buy it in Timbuktu. Sometimes it was more expensive than gold! During the (B)[rein/reign] of King Mansa Moussa, beautiful mosques and schools were built to teach his (C)[region/religion], Islam. The most famous of these was Sankore Mosque, also known as Sankore University, which had about 25,000 students.

① desert - rein - region

② desert - rein - region

③ desert - reign - religion

④ dessert - reign - region

⑤ dessert - reign - religion

37. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말은?

It is a town of ___________. on the one hand, it is a poor town in a very poor country; on the other, the town is home to priceless books and documents which international organizations such as UNESCO have helped to preserve. The precious documents were copied by hand and contain more than a thousand years of knowledge. This town has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and now attracts curious visitors and historians from around the world.

① remains② commerce③ learning

④ heritage⑤ contrasts

38. 밑줄 친 (A),(B)에 들어갈 알맞은 표현은?

News of this vibrant city spread far and wide, arousing the curiosity of all those who heard about it. This led to increased interactions with other nations, and in 1591, Morocco took over Timbuktu, controlling it until 1780. (A)____________, during that time, the rulers did not take good care of the city. They killed many of the teachers and students, closed the universities, and destroyed the trade. Timbuktu went from being the "City of Gold" to being a poor town, as it passed from ruler to ruler.

In Europe, (B)________, the city's reputation continued to live on. It was said that Timbuktu was covered with gold, and many royals and explorers were eager to see it.

(A) (B)

① Unfortunatelyas a result

② Unfortunately however

③ Unfortunatelyin addition to

④ Fortunately`the same way

⑤ Fortunatelyabove all

■ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Finally, in 1824, the Geographical Society of Paris offered a generous prize of 10,000 francs to anyone who could bring back news of Timbuktu. It was a dangerous mission, and the first person to return ①living was Frenchman Rene Caillie. He traveled through the desert for a year, ②learned Arabic and (가)disguising himself as an Arab. When he ③has arrived in Timbuktu in 1828, though, instead of gold and riches, he found a poor town with a strong intellectual and religious life. The houses were small and ④making of earth, not gold. When the French colonized the area in 1894, more than twenty schools ⑤were still open and doing very well.

39. 밑줄 친①~⑤중 어법상 올바른 것은?


40. 밑줄 친 (가)disguising와 가장 유사한 의미의 단어는?

① disgusting② booming

③ sneaking④ camouflaging

⑤ dispatching

41. Rene Caillie와 관련된 내용이 일치하는 것은?

① 프랑스인으로서는 Rene Caillie에가 최초의 Timbuktu 방문객이었었다.

② Rene Caillie는 Timbuktu의 번화한 모습을 그대로 보고했다.

③ 프랑스는 Rene Caillie의 보고를 듣고 Timbuktu의 정복을 포기했다

④ Rene Caillie가 Timbuktu에서 본 것은 그들의 가난한 모습과 종교적 삶이었다.

⑤ Rene Caillie가 도착했을 당시에는 Timbuktu 에는 학교가 없었다.


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