

장코폴로 2011. 4. 4. 21:10

Lesson 3, Fitness for You

Walking Works Miracles!

Research shows regular walking can improve your heart and circulation, lower blood pressure, and help protect (   ) a wide range of health problems. Most people also find (that/what) walking is cheaper, more attractive, and (much/more) easier to fit into their schedules than gym―based exercise or (organized/organizing) sports.


This is a practical guide to walking. (Read/Reading) through the guide and learn about the benefits of walking. Start walking your way to better health now.


(Surprising/Surprised) Statistics

Regular walking (reduces/reduce) the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 50 (Department of Health, the UK)

Lack of exercise causes more illness than (smoking/smoke) in European Union countries. (World Health Organization)

A brisk 20―minute walk burns around 100 calories, as much as swimming for 10 minutes, playing football for 12 minutes, or (do/doing) aerobics for 16 minutes. (Countryside Agency, the UK)

Car users regularly suffer up to three times as much pollution as pedestrians (because/because of) they are sitting in traffic breathing in the exhaust fumes from the cars in front of them. (Environmental Transport Association, the UK)


Case Studies: Witnesses to Benefits

I've always struggled ( ) my weight. I've tried everything ( ) starvation 20 to aerobics with little long―term success. Nothing worked, so I began walking as much as I could, at least an hour each day. Everybody thought I was illadvised/illadvising, but walking paid ( ).

( ) a two―year period, I lost 20 kilograms. Walking really works for me because I can fit it into my day easily. It has (freed/free) me from crazy diets. It costs (nothing/anything) and helps me deal with the stress 25 of the day.

― Sharon Woods

(Conversation overheard on a train.)

W I walk up to my grandpa's once a week. It's about three kilometers away and nearly all uphill.

M Really? Isn't it difficult?

W When I first started doing it, it (nearly/near) killed me, but it's easier now.

M Yes, it's difficult (for/of) you not having the car (anymore/somemore).

W Oh, no. I'm glad I do it. It keeps me (fit/fitly). When I get to the top of the hill, I can feel my heart (beating/to beat), and I feel (alively/alive). I need the fresh air, and now I easily fall asleep when I go to bed.

M Good for you!

Week 1―2

To begin with, just walk a little more as part of your daily routine. Get used to (walking/walk) more, regardless ( ) the distance. Try getting (on/off) the bus one stop earlier, or walking to the shops and (take/taking) a bus back home.

Ten―Week Walk Program

Week 3―4

The aim of weeks 3―4 is to make sure that each day you complete

(적어도 ) one walk that (lasts/last) ten minutes. So time (yourself/you) and try (not to stop/to not stop) for ten minutes.

Week 5―6

For weeks 5-6, you should aim to walk the 30 minutes a day that experts recommend/recommends. But don't worry.

This (can be done/can do) in two sessions of 15 minutes anytime during the day.

Week 7―8

Pace is the key to weeks 7-8. Aim to do at least one of your walks at a brisk pace, without overexerting yourself. You should aim to feel a little warmer and get your heart beating (slightly/slight) faster.

Week 9―10

For the final two weeks, your target should (be/been) 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days of the week. This can be (divide/divided) into two sessions, but if you can do this in one 30- minute walk, it will be (much/many) better for you. This level of walking will have a significant (effect/affect) on your health and fitness.

On the weekends, you have a chance to vary your routine a little. Try a different route, go to a nearby park, or take the opportunity to walk a little more than usual (to see/seeing) some friends.


Helpful Tips

1. Get ( ) the walking frame of mind by (using/use) the stairs instead (of/in) the elevator.

2. Every bit (count/counts) - even (leisure/leisurely) strolls around the garden!

3. ( ) advantage of (walk/walking) to get away from everything and enjoy some valuable thinking time.

4. Do you pass the "talk test"? You should always (be/been) able to

( ) a conversation when you are walking. If you are (short/long) of breath, you are probably walking too fast.

5. As you walk faster, you tend to use your arms in a different way. Think of them as a pendulum - long and straight arms slow you

( ), but short and bent arms speed you up.

6. Vary the terrain occasionally. (Soft/hard) surfaces like grass, mud, and sand force you (use/to use) more energy. Remember that walking up hills (makes/make) you burn at least a third more calories.

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