

장코폴로 2011. 3. 14. 05:29

고2 천재 김덕기 Unit 2 Understanding Each Other

Communicating in Another Language

Some people know [many/much] grammar rules in a foreign language but are not able to .(그들의 의견을 전달하다) [Other/Others/The others] do [poor/poorly] grammar tests but (가까스로 ~하다) express [them/themselves] quite well. [What/How] makes the difference? Communication skills. Language is [more/less] than just a set of [rule/rules]; [it is/they are] a tool for communication. Here [is/are] some tips to help you better [communicate] with people [who/whom] don't share your mother tongue.

When you are speaking English as a foreign language

Your goal should be (너의 의견을 이해시키는 것) and avoid possible misunderstandings. How can you achieve this?

Put your message first.

Learners of English often worry too much about [if/whether] their English is accurate. They focus so much on [get] their grammar and pronunciation perfect [that/which/what] they (놓치다) their message. It is more [product/productive] [ask] [you/yourself], "What do I want to express?" than [worry], "Is this the correct form?"

Slow down.

Some students try [speak] very [quick/quickly]. This is a mistake. If you [are/will be/were] talking fast to a native English speaker, he or she may have trouble [understand] you. This habit also encourages the native speaker [reply] to you FAST! Is that really (네가 원하는 것)? Slow down and speak [clear/clearly]. This gives [another/the other/other] person time [understand] you, and it lets you [listen] to more c English.

Check [that/what] you heard.

Don't assume that [what, what, other, you, is, exactly, the, understood, meant, person]. If it [is/will be/were] important, check! [For instance/In short/Besides], if your friend says, "I'll see you here before class tomorrow," you might reply, "OK, I'll see you here at the library at 8:45 tomorrow." That way, both people [is/are] 100 percent sure [that/which/what] they meant the same thing. [Regular/Regularly] [check] if you and the other person understood each other [keep] communication [go] without a problem.

When you are speaking Korean with a language learner

In this global age, not all of your c e will be in English. There will be times you are the native speaker and [the, are, you, speaking, person, is, to] a learner of Korean. Here are a few more tips to remember you are the native speaker.

Look for the real meaning.

Language learners often have trouble [choose] the right words. [On the other hand/For instance/Likewise], they might confuse and say "물음표 있어요." when they really mean, "질문 있어요." Or they could confuse words and say "접시" when they actually mean "잡지." They may also make mistakes in , creating a sentence such as “우리는 갔어요, 학교에.” When [listen] to a learner of Korean, pay more attention to [that/which/what] they are really [try] [say] and less attention to their errors in grammar and word choice.

Avoid negative questions.

Many misunderstandings [cause] by negative questions. In English, people answer "yes" if the fact is affirmative and "no" if it is negative. This [do] [different/differently] in Korean. [For one thing/For this reason/for instance], there might be some confusion about [what/how] to answer a question such as "밥 안 먹었어요?" It is better to ask, "밥 먹었어요?" in order to avoid confusion.

Watch the humor.

Don't try [make] language learners [laugh] by [use] funny words or jokes. This almost never works. [Even if/Even though] they understand the words, they may not understand [joke, why, funny, the, is]. This is [because/because of] jokes (보통 ~에 근거를 두다) culture. [cute, What, people, find, the, one, culture, of, or, funny] might [consider] uninteresting or even rude by the people of [another/other/the other] culture.

[Someone/Anyone] once said [that/which/what] the most important thing in communication is . When two people really want to understand each other, they [usually, can, find] a way to do it. [Likewise/That is/Therefore], if two people want to remain strangers, a thousand words won't make them [understand] each other. [Therefore/However/similarly], try [be] supportive and encouraging when [communicate] with people from [another/other/the other] cultures. [Talk] with them [is/are] not a test of your language abilities rather an adventure in [get] to know [someone/anyone].

<본문 이외>

1) Say the right thing at the right time. Using language inappropriately can embarrass people. Sumi's over-formal reply in this situation seems a little ridiculous and certainly unfriendly. If Sumi answers less formally next time, the boy will not be so embarrassed. Therefore, it is important' to say the right thing at the right time.

2) Read the passage and answer the questions.

Charles Bliss was convinced that people everywhere needed, above all, a system of symbols that could be used for communication across language barriers. Nothing else, he was sure, could do more to bring peace to our troubled world. He decided to develop a workable system of symbols. The symbols would be so clear and logical that anyone could learn them. He started working on his symbols in 1942. At last, in 1949, Charles finished his three-volume work which he titled Semantography and later renamed Bissymbolics. His work was at first completely ignored. But

Charles Bliss는 세상 모든 곳의 사람들이 무엇보다도 언어의 장벽을 가로지르는 의사소통을 위해 사용될 수 있는 상징들의 시스템을 필요로 한다는 것을 확신했다. 그는 우리의 불안한 세계에 평화를 가져다 주기 위해 더 많은 것을 할 수 있는 그 밖에 아무것도 없다고 확신했다. 그는 실행가능한 상징의 시스템을 개발하기로 결심했다. 그 상징들은 너무나 명확하고 논리적이어서 누구라도 그것들을 배울 수 있을 것이었다. 그는 1942년 그의 상징들에 대한 연구를 시작했다. 마침내, 1949년, Charles는 그가 Semnantography라고 제목을 붙인 나중에 Bissymbolics라고 다시 이름 붙인 세권으로 이루어진 연구물을 완성했다. 그의 연구는 처음엔 완전히 무시되었다. 그러나 곧, 머지않아 그의 보편적인 상징들은 말하는 데 문제가 있는 특별한 선생님들과 학생들 사이에서 널리 사용되게 되었다.

it was not long before his universal symbols were widely used among special teachers and students with speaking problems.

6. What is the best title for the passage? a

? Foreign Language Education for Children

? A Workable System for International Students

? Communication Barriers Between Languages

? Teachers for Troubled Students

? A System of Symbols for Communication

7. What does the underlined word volume mean? b

? a large amount

? one in a set of related books

? the level of sound produced

? the amount of something in general

? the amount of space that is enclosed within an object

'장샘영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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