
고2- 1과

장코폴로 2011. 2. 20. 19:22

Lesson1. Where the Heart Is


When I was younger, I 1) used to silently pray that I would be nothing like my father when I grew up. 2) Other kids my age were proud to say that their dads were their heroes, which really bothered me. I secretly envied them 3) because I did not have a father like that.


1) used to

used to+동사원형은 과거의 지속적인 상태나 습관을 나타내는 표현이다.

I used to go to school by bus.

There used to be a drugstore around the corner.

be used to ~ing (~하는 데 익숙하다): 주어 사람

He is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to making speeches in public.

We are not used to eating Mexican food.

be used to -하는데 이용되다: 주어 사물

This machine is used to take a copy..

2) Other kids

other + 복수명사 / another + 단수명사

비교급 than all the other + 복수명사

비교급 than any other + 단수명사

3) because

because, while, during 의 용법

(1) because는 이유, 원인의 종속접속사로 since, as와 의미가 같다. 접속사이므로 뒤에는 ‘주어+동사’가 온다는 점을 기억해 둔다. 마찬가지로 while도 접속사이기 때문에 뒤에는 ‘주어+동사’가 온다.

․Why were you sleeping? - Because I was tired.

He was absent because he was sick.

․We kept watch while they slept

(2) because of는 전치사구로 다음에는 명사(구)가 온다. during도 전치사이므로 뒤에는 명사(구)가 온다.

․He couldn't go out because of the heavy rain.

․He came during my absence.



because of


according to

according as





My father was so serious in everything (which,that생략) he did. His brow was always wrinkled, a sign of his constant watch over his family. It was his own way of saying that his expectations were not being met. My grandmother could not remember 4) a time when my father had done anything wrong. He was 5) too perfect to be a role model for me. I felt timid and self―conscious around him.

4) a time when

관계부사란, 문장과 문장을 연결하는 접속사 구실을 하는 동시에 종속절에서 부사의 역할을 겸하는 말이며, 선행사의 종류에 따라 다음 표와 같이 구분되 어 사용하고,「전치사+관계대명사」로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

선 행 사

관 계 부 사


the time․day․year 등

시 간



the place․house․village 등

장 소



the reason

이 유



(the way)

방 법



I can't forget the day when she died.[when=on which]

We visited the village where we had lived for ten years.

Tell me the reason why we must not do it.[why=for which]

Tell me the way you did it.

Tell me the way how you did it.(쓰지 않는다.)

5) too perfect to be

too.... to = so....that + cannot(너무나 ..해서...할 수 없다)

She was too surprised to speak.

= She was so surprised that she could not speak.

It is true that my father 6) wanted me to make the right decision at every crossroad in my life, but always from his perspective. My father was always offering words of advice. Although they 7) may have been ancient proverbs or old sayings, they were always "Daddy originals" to me.

6) wanted me to make

S+V+O+to 형태를 취하는 동사

1. want(원하다) 2. tell(말하다) 3. ask(부탁하다) 4. advise(충고하다)

5. order(명하다) 6. wish(바라다) 7. allow(허락하다) 8. require(요구하다)

9. expect(기대하다) 10. promise (약속하다) 11. enable(가능하게 하다)

12. cause(야기시키다) 13.force(강요하다)  14. convince(납득시키다) 

15. persuade(설득하다) 16. urge (재촉하다, 촉구하다)

I want you to go there.

I wish you to go there.

My mother said me to keep my room clean.

7) may have been

1. cannot have p.p

He cannot have been honest. (과거의 추측)

= It is impossible that he was honest.

2. must have p.p

He must have been honest. (과거의 분명한 사실)

= I am sure that he was honest.

= It is impossible that he was honest.

3. should have p.p (과거의 비난, 유감, 후회)

You should have worked harder.

=ought to

= I am sorry (that) you didn't work harder.

= I wish you had worked harder.

4. need not have + p.p.: ∼할 필요가 없었는데 ∼를 했다

He need not have written to her again.

5.may[might] have p.p.~이었을지도 모른다.

You may have heard of that lady land called Italy.

"When you're prepared, you'll never be scared," he would tell me when I was up late studying for a test. He always stressed the importance of preparation. "Haste makes waste," was his response when I would bring home a math exam full of careless mistakes. "When you lose an hour in the morning, you search for it the rest of the day," is the Chinese proverb I often heard on Saturday mornings when I had tons of homework. In short, I couldn't afford to relax 8) or be just average on any exam.

8) or

두 개 이상의 단어, 구, 절이 등위접속사, 상관접속사에 의해 연결될 때나, 비교구문에서 비교의 대상이 되는 내용은 문법범주가 서로 같아야 한다.

즉, to부정사 + 등위 상관접속사 + to 부정사, 동명사 + 등위 상관접속사 + 동명사

1. 등위접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용(A and B, A but B, A or B 등)

He enjoyed the music of Spain and the sculpture of France.

I asked my brother to answer the door, compare his height with my date's and run upstairs to let me know which shoes to wear.

2. 상관접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용

(both A and B, either A or B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B 등)

Through history, shoes have been worn not only for protection but also for fashion.

3. 비교구문에서 비교되는 대상의 연결(as, than, to 등)

Taking an express bus is as costly as taking a train.

I prefer cooking at home to eating out.

I would rather sing in the chorus than perform a solo.

"Live by foresight, and learn from hindsight," he would say when I was younger and just 9) old enough to understand what "fore―" and "hind―" mean. These sayings buzzed in my ears at times when, as I got older, I wanted to scream: "I know, Dad! You've only been telling me these things 10) since I was two years old!"

9) old enough

(1) enough(충분한)가 형용사로서 명사를 수식하는 경우

:명사의 앞․뒤 어디나 위치할 수 있다. 그러나 명사 앞에 놓여서 뒤에 있는 명사를 수식하는 것이 일반적이다.

․I have enough money to buy that house.(나는 그 집을 살 만한 충분한 돈이 있다.)

(2) enough(충분히)가 부사로서 형용사나 다른 부사를 수식하는 경우

:수식하는 말의 뒤에 온다.

․He is rich enough to buy this car.(rm는 이 차를 살만큼 부자이다.)

․It is good enough for me.(그것은 나에게는 아주 좋습니다.)

․She sings well enough.(그녀는 노래를 아주 잘한다.)

․We got up early enough to catch the first plane.

(우리는 첫 비행기를 탈 수 있도록 아주 일찍 일어났다.)

10) since

He has been dead for ten years.(주어+현재완료+for+기간)

= Ten years have passed since he died.(기간+현재완료+since+절)

= He died ten years ago.(주어+과거동사+기간+ago)

= It is ten years since he died.(It is +기간+since+절)

I always recognized that he wanted me to do my best, but his advice lacked a loving tone. Indeed, at times his voice became one of nagging monotony. I was on the right track, I guess, and he didn't have to constantly lecture me on the virtue of hard work.

As I have grown older, however, I have realized that Dad, in his own way, has been 11) trying to guide me in the right direction. Everything became 12) much clearer to me last summer. I was away at summer school for two months in Massachusetts. It was the longest separation (that)I had had from my parents. I was too far from home to see my parents even on weekends.

11) trying to

try + to -하기위해 애쓰다 / try + - ing 시험 삼아 -해보다

I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy.

I tried talking to talk to him, but he wouldn't change his mind.

regret + to -하게 되어 유감스럽다 / regret + -ing 했던 것을 후회하다

I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.

She deeply to regretted losing her temper.

mean + to -할 의도이다 / mean +- ing -을 의미하다

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy.

stop + to -하기위해 멈추다 / stop +- ing -하던 것을 멈추다

We stopped to take a break.

We stopped taking a break.

12) much clearer

비교급을 강조할 때는 much, far, even, still, a lot 등을 비교급 앞에 쓰게 되는 훨

씬, 더욱」의 의미를 갖는다.

It was much worse than I thought.(그것은 내가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 나빴다.)

I feel much better today.(오늘은 훨씬 더 좋습니다.)

Communication with my family 13) consisted of more e―mail messages than telephone conversations. My father corresponded with me more than anyone else. He always returned my e―mails promptly and tried in his own way to cheer me up. He signed one of his e―mails "love ya," 14) which is not at all like him, and I 15) was reminded of another one of his sayings: "When you lose your sense of humor, you lose your mind."

13) consisted of

consist of (~로 이루어져있다), consist in ( ~에 존재하다), consist with (~와 일치하다) 는 모두 자동사이므로 수동태로 쓸 수 없다

14) which

What, That, Which, Where의 차이 구별

1. 선행사 유무

which / that 은 선행사 있다

what은 선행사 없다

2. 계속적용법

,which(0) ,that(x)

3. 전치사




4. 완전한문장

that / where 다음에는 완전한 문장이 옴

what 다음에는 불완전문장(주어가없다, 타동사인데 목적어가 없다)이 온다

15) was reminded of

accuse(고발하다), convince(확신시키다), remind(상기시키다), assure(확신시키다) inform(알리다), warn(경고하다)

I can assured you of her history.

He reminds me of my father

Near the end of summer school, I got a phone call from Mom. She said, "We had a family reunion at Grandma's last weekend, and guess 16) what your father did! He had printed out all of your e―mails and shared them with all of your cousins. He was so proud of the fact that you were doing great on your own and he said he loves you so much."

16) what your father did!

의문문이 문장의 일부가 되어 있을 때 이를 간접의문문이라 하는데 문법적으로는 의문사가 이끄는 명사절이 주절의 목적어로 쓰인 경우를 말한다. 간접의문문은 ‘의문사+주어+(조동사)+동사’의 어순이 됨을 반드시 기억해야 한다.

․Do you know who that man is?(저 남자가 누구인지 아십니까?)

․I don't know who she is.(나는 그녀가 누구인지 모른다.)

․I know what time it is.(나는 몇 시인지 안다.)

간접의문문의 의문사의 위치 : 동사 think, believe, guess 등이 쓰인 의문문에서는 간접의문문의 의문사가 문장 앞으로 나오게 된다.

․Who do you think that man is?(○)(저 남자가 누구라고 생각합니까?)

․Do you think who that man is?(×)

※ Do you + know, tell, ask, hear‥ + 의문사 + 주어 + 동사

의문사 + do you + think, suppose, guess, imagine, believe, say‥ + 주어 + 동사

I had an epiphany: in my messages, Dad was reading about preparation and patience, time management, and foresight. I 17) made him laugh a lot, too. Then I remembered another one of his sayings: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." And I cried. I 18) should have known earlier that my father had always been there for me as my true hero.

17) made him laugh

1). 목적어와 목적보어의 관계가 능동일때

* 주어 + have + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형, -ing(허락/가능)

He had a group of students phone strangers and ask them to donate blood.

I can't have toy doing such a nasty thing.(허락.가능)

* 주어 + make/let + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형)

I won't leave you, and you can make me do it.

* 주어 + 지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형, -ing)

I can feel the waiter temperature changing dramatically.

* 주어 + 일반동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(to 부정사)

He got me to drive him home.

2). 목적어와 목적보어의 관계가 수동일때

* 주어 + 정동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(p.p)

주어 + let + 목적어 + 목적보어(be p.p)

The movie star had the girl arrested for stalking him.

She wanted her painting displayed in the gallery.

I can't let myself be distracted by the noise you are making.

18) should have known

should[ought to] have p.p는 과거에 했어야 할 일을 하지 않았거나, 하지 말아야 할 일을 한것에 대한 후회∙유감∙비난을 표시하는 것으로 ‘∼했어야 했는데’라는 뜻으로 쓰인다.

I should have seen her before she died.

You should not have wasted your youth.

must have p.p ...였음에 틀림없다(과거의 분명한 사실)

I must have had the wrong number

'장샘영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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