

장코폴로 2011. 3. 13. 10:42

Lesson2. Understanding Each Other

Communicating in Another Language

1) Some people know many grammar rules in a foreign language but are not able to get their point across. Others do poorly on grammar tests but 2) manage to express 3) themselves quite well. What makes the difference? Communication skills. Language is more than just a set of rules; it is a tool for communication. 4) Here are some tips to help you better communicate with people who don't share your mother tongue.

1) Some

◎ 정해진 수(2개) : one - the other

정해지지 않은 수 : one - another(또 다른 것)

One end of the rope is tied to the anchor, while the other is tied to big post.

One of the problems is finding a school, another is looking for a place to live.

◎ 정해진 수(여러 개/나머지 전부) : some - the others

정해지지 않은 수 : some - others

Some problems are easy to handle, but others might require a little help.

There are 20 employees. some employees finished college, the others received their doctorate degrees.

◎ other + 복수명사

any(no, some, one) other + 단수명사

another +단수명사

You need other people to guide you in the right direction.

No other organization provides such real-life training.

We would like to start a joint you in the venture with another company.

2) manage to

목적어로 to부정사를 취하는 동사

wish, hope, care, choose, expect, refuse, decide, mean, pretend, agree, manage등

I don't care to see him again.

We hope to see you again.

동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사

연습을 고려해서 DRAMASE로 끝내버려.

practice, consider, deny, resent, avoid, mind, admit, stop, enjoy, finish. quit, escape, stand, appreciate, postpone, give up, put off

I stop smoking.

I consider marrying her.

3) themselves

1. 대명사 수의 일치

It과 its는 단수명사, Them과 their는 복수명사를 받는다.

반복을 피하기 위해 앞 명사를 대신하는 경우, 단수명사면 that, 복수명사면 those

What is beauty? Different cultures define [ it/them ] quite differently.

Town officials gather information about [ its/their ] community's population.

2. 소유격 + 명사 는 소유대명사로 받는다.

(mine, yours, his, hers, theirs)

They kept insisting that our ideas were [ them/theirs ].

Their opinions are worth more than [ me/mine ] in this debate.

3. 인칭대명사/재귀대명사

동사의 목적어가 주어와 일치하면 재귀대명사를 쓴다.

동사의 목적어가 주어와 일치하지 않으면 인칭대명사를 쓴다.

She calmed [ her/herself ] recollecting her happiest moments.

When people find beautiful flowers in the mountains, they sometimes take [ them/themselves ] home.

4) Here are

There[Here] is + 단수주어, There[Here] are + 복수주어

There is a book on the table.

When you are speaking English as a foreign language

Your goal should be to get your message across and avoid possible misunderstandings. How can you achieve this?

Learners of English often worry too much about whether their English is accurate. They focus so much on getting their grammar and pronunciation perfect that they lose sight of their message. It is 5) more productive to ask yourself, "What do I want to express?" than to worry, "Is this the correct form?"

5) more --- than

(1)A…비교급~+than+B: A는 B보다 더~하다

A…less+원급~+than+B: A는 B보다 덜~하다

비교급은 형용사나 부사 뒤에 -er이나 앞에 more를 붙여서 ‘~보다 더 ~한’이라는 뜻으로, 어떤 것 두 개를 비교할 때 쓰는 형태를 말한다.

․ He is taller than Namsu.(그는 남수보다 더 크다.)

․ He likes music better than art.(그는 미술보다 음악을 더 좋아한다.)

(2) 비교급으로의 최상급 표현

① 비교급…+than any other+단수명사~ : 어떤 다른~보다도 더 …한

․ He is stronger than any other boy in his class

② 비교급+than anyone[anything] else : 어떤 다른~보다도 더 …한

․ He is stronger than anyone else in his class.

③ 비교급+than all the other + 복수명사 : 어떤 다른~보다도 더 …한

․ He is stronger than all the other boys. in his class.

④ No(other)+명사…비교급+than~ : 어떤 무엇도~보다 더 …하지 못하다

․ No other metal is more precious than gold.

⑤ Nothing[Nobody]is+비교급…+than A : 어떤 것도 A보다 더…한 것은 없다.

․ Nothing is more precious than time.

Some students try to speak very quickly. This is a mistake. If you are talking fast to a native English speaker, he or she may 6) have trouble understanding you. This habit also 7) encourages the native speaker to reply to you FAST! Is that really what you want? Slow down and speak clearly. This gives the other person time to understand you, and it 8) lets you listen to more comprehensible English.

6) have trouble understanding

have a hard time + (in) ∼ing : ∼하는데 어려움을 겪다



7) encourages

‘주어+5형식동사+목적어+to부정사(목적격 보어)'의 형식을 취하는 동사들이 있다. 이런 5형식 동사가 나오면 목적어 뒤에 to부정사가 있는지 반드시 확인한다.

5형식 동사들 : enable, force, compel, impel, encourage, order, command, persuade, permit, advise, allow, cause, want, warn 등

․The rain caused the weeds to grow fast

․His help enabled me to succeed last year.

8) lets

주어 + make/let + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형)

I won't leave you, and you can make me do it.

Please let me know the result as soon as possible.

목적어와 목적보어의 관계가 수동 일때

주어 + let + 목적어 + 목적보어(be p.p)

I can't let myself be distracted by the noise you are making.

Don't assume that 9) what you understood is exactly what the other person meant. If it is important, check! For instance, if your friend says, "I'll see you here before class tomorrow," you might reply, "OK, I'll see you here at the library at 8:45 tomorrow." That way, both people are 100 percent sure that they meant the same thing. Regularly 10) checking if you and the other person understood each other keeps communication going without a problem.

9) what you understood

의문문이 문장의 일부가 되어 있을 때 이를 간접의문문이라 하는데 문법적으로는 의문사가 이끄는 명사절이 주절의 목적어로 쓰인 경우를 말한다. 간접의문문은 ‘의문사+주어+(조동사)+동사’의 어순이 됨을 반드시 기억해야 한다.

․Do you know who that man is?

․I don't know who she is.

․I know what time it is.

간접의문문의 의문사의 위치 : 동사 think, believe, guess 등이 쓰인 의문문에서는 간접의문문의 의문사가 문장 앞으로 나오게 된다.

․Who do you think that man is?(○)

․Do you think who that man is?(×)

※ Do you + know, tell, ask, hear‥ + 의문사 + 주어 + 동사

의문사 + do you + think, suppose, guess, imagine, believe, say‥ + 주어 + 동사

10) checking

동명사, 부정사 주어, 명사구, 명사절이 주어 = 단수취급

To keep early hours makes a man.

Making many friends [was/were] the biggest achievement of my freshman year.

When you are speaking Korean with a language learner

In this global age, 11) not all of your cross―cultural encounters will be in English. There will be times 12) when you are the native speaker and the person (who) you are speaking to is a learner of Korean. 13) Here are a few more tips to remember when you are the native speaker.

11) not all


both, all, every + not

not + always, necessarily, completely, altogether, wholly, fully

( 반드시, 모두다 --- 한 것은 아니다 ) 로 문장 일부분을 부정하는 것.

예) The rich are not always happy.

Every man cannot be a poet

He is not entirely ignorant.

12) when

관계부사란, 문장과 문장을 연결하는 접속사 구실을 하는 동시에 종속절에서 부사의 역할을 겸하는 말이며, 선행사의 종류에 따라 다음 표와 같이 구분되 어 사용하고,「전치사+관계대명사」로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

선 행 사

관 계 부 사


the time․day․year 등

시 간



the place․house․village 등

장 소



the reason

이 유



(the way)

방 법



I can't forget the day when she died.[when=on which]

We visited the village where we had lived for ten years.

Tell me the reason why we must not do it.[why=for which]

Tell me the way you did it.

Tell me the way how you did it.(쓰지 않는다.)

13) Here are

There[Here] is + 단수주어, There[Here] are + 복수주어

There is a book on the table.

Language learners often have trouble choosing the right words. For instance, they might confuse expressions and say, "물음표 있어요." when they really mean, "질문 있어요." Or they could confuse similar―sounding words and say "접시" when they actually mean "잡지" They may also make mistakes in word order, 14) creating a sentence such as "우리는 갔어요, 학교에." When listening to a learner of Korean, pay more attention to what they are really trying to say and less attention to their errors in grammar and word choice.

14) creating

분사구문의 의미상 주어와 분사의 관계를 주어와 동사의 관계로 생각한다.

주어가 ---하다로 능동의 의미이면 --ing/ --가 --당하다,되다로 수동의 의미이면 --p.p로 분사구문을 만든다.

[Searched / Searching] for a parking space, I found Margrat, my eldest daughter, who was a student at the school.

[Knowing / Known] as "the cow of China," tofu's protein is similar in a quality to that of meat.

Many misunderstandings are caused by negative questions. In English, people answer "yes" if the fact is affirmative and "no" if it is negative. This is done differently in Korean. For this reason, there might be some confusion about 15) how to answer a question such as "밥 안 먹었어요?" It is better to ask, “밥 먹었어요?” in order to avoid confusion.

15) how to answer

의문사+to부정사는 명사구로서 주어, 목적어, 보어로 쓰일 수 있는데 주로 know, tell, ask, show, learn, teach, decide 등의 목적어로 사용된다.

1 how+to부정사 「어떻게 ~하는지, ~하는 방법」이라는 뜻의 명사구이다.

Mr. Tate teaches us how to swim.

They learned how to use the computer.

2 what+to부정사 「무엇을 ~하는지」라는 뜻의 명사구이다.

They asked me what to do.

She told me what to wear.

He let me know what to say next.

3 when+to부정사 「언제 ~할지」라는 뜻의 명사구이다.

Please tell me when to stop.

I don’t know when to go.

4 where+to부정사

「어디에서 ~해야할지」라는 뜻의 명사구이다.

Will you show me where to play this game?

Let’s decide where to go.

5 which+to부정사

「어느 것을 ~해야할지」라는 뜻의 명사구이다. 「which+명사+to부정사」의 형태로도 쓰인다.

Please tell me which to choose.

Nobody knew which to do first.

Will you show me which bus to take?

Don't 16) try to make language learners laugh by using funny words or jokes. This almost never works. 17) Even if they understand the words, they may not understand why the joke is funny. This is 18) because jokes are usually based on culture. 19) What the people of one culture find cute or funny might be considered uninteresting or even rude by the people of another culture.

16) try to

try + to -하기위해 애쓰다 / try + - ing 시험 삼아 -해보다

I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy.

I tried talking to talk to him, but he wouldn't change his mind.

regret + to -하게 되어 유감스럽다 / regret + -ing 했던 것을 후회하다

I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.

She deeply to regretted losing her temper.

mean + to -할 의도이다 / mean +- ing -을 의미하다

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy.

stop + to -하기위해 멈추다 / stop +- ing -하던 것을 멈추다

We stopped to take a break.

We stopped taking a break.

17) Even if

시간(때), 조건 부사절에서는 현재가 미래를 대신한다.

시간의 접속사

* when (~할 때, ~하면) I’ll tell him when he comes home.

* before (~하기 전에, ~보다 앞서서) It won’t be long before we meet again.

* till/until (~할 때까지) I will wait here until the concert is over.

조건의 접속사

* if (만약 ~라면) We’ll go swimming if it is fine tomorrow.

* unless (만약 ~아니라면) I will leave this afternoon unless it rains.

18) because



because of


according to

according as





․ He couldn't go out because of the heavy rain.

․ He came during my absence.

19) What

1. 선행사를 자체 포함하고있다.(= that which, --하는 것)

예) What is worth doing is worth doing well.

He spends what he earns in a day.

2. what 주어 call(소위, 이른바)

예) He is what you call a bookworm.

3. what is 형용사의 비교급( 더욱 --한 것은)

예) She is kind, and what is better, very beautiful.

4. what 주어 is (현재 주어). what 주어 has (주어의 재산)

예) It made me what I am.

5. A is to B what C is to D(A가 B의 관계는 C가 D의 관계 와 같다)

예) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

6. what with A what with B(한편으로는 A 때문에, 또 한편으로는 B때문에)

예) What with teaching and writing, my time is wholly taken up

Someone once said that the most important thing in communication is desire. When two people really want to understand each other, they can usually find a way to do it. Likewise, if two people want to remain strangers, a thousand words won't 20) make them understand each other. Therefore, try to be supportive and encouraging when communicating with people from other cultures. Talking with them is 21) not a test of your language abilities but rather an adventure in getting to know someone.

20) make

목적어와 보어간의 주술관계(지각/사역/일반동사)

1). 목적어와 목적보어의 관계가 능동일때

* 주어 + have + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형, -ing(허락/가능)

He had a group of students phone strangers and ask them to donate blood.

I can't have toy doing such a nasty thing.(허락.가능)

* 주어 + make/let + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형)

I won't leave you, and you can make me do it.

Please let me know the result as soon as possible.

* 주어 + 지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(동사의원형, -ing)

I can feel the waiter temperature changing dramatically.

* 주어 + 일반동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(to 부정사)

He got me to drive him home.

2). 목적어와 목적보어의 관계가 수동일때

* 주어 + 정동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어(p.p)

주어 + let + 목적어 + 목적보어(be p.p)

The movie star had the girl arrested for stalking him.

She wanted her painting displayed in the gallery.

I can't let myself be distracted by the noise you are making.

21) not


both A and B, either A or B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B 등

Through history, shoes have been worn not only for protection but also for fashion.

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