
6과 연습

장코폴로 2010. 6. 3. 18:38

Unit 6 Fun with Trivia


1. Unit Focus   ………………………………………………………………………………   113

2. Listen   ………………………………………………………………………………………  114

3. Talk   ………………………………………………………………………………………… 116

4. Real-Life Activity   ………………………………………………………………………  118

5. Before You Read   ………………………………………………………………………… 119

6. Read   ………………………………………………………………………………………… 120

7. After You Read   …………………………………………………………………………… 125

8. Language Focus   …………………………………………………………………………… 126

9. Writing Project   …………………………………………………………………………… 128

10. Review   ……………………………………………………………………………………… 130

11. Take a Break   ……………………………………………………………………………  132

교과서 113쪽

Unit Focus

소재: 상식

Listen and Talk

놀람 표현하기

A: Did you know that the largest US city is Sitka in Alaska?

B: I find that hard to believe!

기억 여부 묻고 답하기

A: Do you remember any interesting facts about animals?

B: Sure. Here's one: a rat can live longer without water than a camel can.


That's a good point. I quite agree.

I don't think so.

Read and Write

▪ 다양한 분야의 상식에 관한 글 읽기

▪ 상식에 관한 퀴즈 만들기

Language Focus

-er / -ist / -ian / -ent / -ant

▪ The ball hardly touched the ground in the new game.

Dozens of contestants got up and did their best.

교과서 114~115쪽


A. Before You Listen

Which one best completes each sentence?

1. That's really hard               ․           ․ ⓐ a good point.

2. Is that                          ·           · ⓑ to believe.

3. I'll never forget                 ·           · ⓒ really true?

4. I don't have a clear             ·           · ⓓ memory of that day.

5. I don't think                     ·           · ⓔ the first time you came here.

6. I hadn't thought of that. That's  ·            · ⓕ that would solve the problem.

B. Tune In

1. Listen to the dialogs and number the pictures.

ⓐ - _______           ⓑ - _______           ⓒ - _______

2. Listen again. What is each girl doing?

(1) ▢ talking about trivia

    ▢ introducing cities

(2) ▢ reporting on an experiment

    ▢ telling an amazing fact

(3) ▢ telling a joke

    ▢ describing an animal

C. Listen for Ideas

1. Listen to the short talk. What is its purpose?

ⓐ to compare dogs and horses

ⓑ to share an interesting memory

ⓒ to explain how to find a homestay

2. Listen again and choose the student who misunderstood the story.

ⓐ The dogs worked at the airport.

ⓑ The speaker was terrified by the dogs at first.

ⓒ The dogs behaved differently from what the girl had expected.

D. Listen and Write

1. Listen to the dialog and complete the description of the girl being talked about.

A little ____________ girl was born with ________________________, but she had an ____________ and became ____________.

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

(1) How did the neighbors react to the little girl?

(2) According to the doctor, what was the cause of her problem?   

교과서 116~117쪽


A. Build a Dialog and Talk

1. Fill in the blanks with sentences from the list to complete the dialog.

ⓐ That's really interesting. That man was so smart.

ⓑ That's a good point. I always thought so.

ⓒ Remember? I don't think I ever learned that.

ⓓ That's incredible! The idea has been around that long?

2. Listen and check your answers. Then role-play the dialog with your partner.

B. Think and Talk

Do you know an interesting or surprising fact? Tell your partner about it.

C. Express Yourself

Complete the sentences and talk with your partner.

My opinions

My partner's responses

In my opinion, a good teacher should ....


I think students should ....


Children shouldn't ....


The best part of school is ....


The most interesting section of the newspaper is ....


큰 개: In my opinion, big dogs are just as cute as small ones.

작은 개: I completely disagree. How can you even say that.

Functions in Focus

A. expressing surprise

What a surprise!

It's unbelievable.

I (just) can't believe this.

That's incredible. I can't believe it.

What a surprising story!

B. talking about memories

Do you remember?

Have you forgotten ...?

I remember ....

I forgot about that.

Do you remember any funny jokes?

I'll never forget how beautiful it was!

C. agreeing / disagreeing

Same here.

I agree.

That's (quite) right.

That's a good point. I haven't thought of that.

I don't think so.

I'm not happy about ....

That's all wrong.                                

I'm against ....

I don't think that would be a good idea.

교과서 118쪽

Real-Life Activity - Congratulations!

A. Listen and Choose.


M: Hi. I'm Mike from the school newspaper. Congratulations, Heather! Would you answer some questions for our readers?

W: Sure. No problem.

M: You just won first prize in the quiz contest. How do you feel now?

W: I can't believe this. I just can't.

M: Do you remember any especially difficult questions?

W: The most difficult question was the one about last year's Nobel Peace Prize winner. I couldn't remember the name at first. I almost missed that one.

M: That must have been tough for the other contestants, too. Now, tell me how you prepared for the contest.

W: Well, I didn't do anything special. I read newspapers every day. It helped, I guess. What I learned in geography class also helped. It's my favorite subject, you know, and lots of questions came from that area.

M: I see. So, what are you going to do with the prize money?

W: I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking of buying something for my parents.

M: That's a good idea! They'll be happy, I'm sure. Thanks for your time and congratulations again!

W: Thanks.

Listen to a short interview and circle the correct words in the reporter's notes.

Interview Notes: Heather, winner of the quiz contest

1. feelings

  ↳ She is (nervous / surprised).

2. the toughest question

  ↳ last year's Nobel (Peace Prize / Prize in Physics) winner

3. how she got prepared

  ↳ read (newspaper / books) every day and studied (geography / trivia)

B. Think and Talk

1. Which of your teachers would make the best contestant on a quiz show?

W: Which teacher do you think would win first prize on a quiz show?

M: I think our history teacher would be able to win first prize. He reads trivia books all the time.

W: I agree. He always asks trivia questions in class.

2. Talk with your partner about why the teacher of your choice will be able to win first prize.

교과서 119쪽

Before You Read

A. Read the statements and circle the letters under T or F. What word do you make?

    teddy bears / the White House / rugby / Charlie Chaplin / Mount Everest













1. Winnie-the-Pooh is the only bear that we see in cartoons.

2. George Washington was the first president to live in the White House.

3. Charlie Chaplin won an Oscar for his film Limelight.

4. In rugby, players cannot kick the ball.

5. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

↳ T▢▢▢▢▢ refers to information that is useful for answering quiz questions.

B. Write the expression and its meaning in each box, as shown in the example.







turn down














교과서 120~124쪽

Read - True or False?

 Read the stories below. Some of this trivia is true, but some of it cannot be trusted. For each story, decide if the information is true or false. Choosing the correct definition for the phrasal verb in the box will help you make your decision!

How the teddy bear got its name

ౌԂadn't been for a preside)ǰЈ騨ĥ蛸Έcld be named Tom, Dick, or Harry instead! When a toy company brought out their first toy bears in 1906, the company named))ƙЈ騨ĥ袠Έr(or Teddy for short) Roosevelt. The president had famously turned down an invitation to go bear hunting because he thoug)ƮЈԂౌԂm a friend of all the be*œА騨ĥ訸Έ.nd that is why toy bears are known as "teddy bears" or "teddies" today.

Why the White House is white

 When Adelaide Simpson moved into the White House in 1871 to be the first U.S. president to live there, he wanted the house painted in the three colors of the American flag - red, white, and blue. However, when the painters turned up, they told him that the local shops in Washington had run out of red and blue paint. They only had white left in stock. Reluctantly, the president gave in and had the whole building painted white. Within a few days, the president's official residence became known as the "White House," and it has been painted completely white ever since.

just bought ➡


not had any left ➡


Before You Go on

1. Who was the teddy bear named after?

2. Who does "They" in line 24 refer to?

Over to You

Which of the two stories would be a better trivia question?

The origin of rugby

ĥ괐Έelaying soccer at a school called Rugby in central England. They were kicking the ball around as usual. Suddenly, one of ))ġЈ騨ĥ꺨ΈϨd the ball up and ran with it across the field. The other boys thought this was an interesting move, so they started ))ǶЈ騨ĥ낐Έwe playing soccer in a new way, where the ball hardly touched the ground at all. Over the next few weeks, this new way of-Ħ楘Ώol, and that is how th᪫Ԃ଱

became popular ➡


became attached accidentally ➡


A real Imitation of Charlie Chaplin

 Charlie Chaplin may have been famous and unique, but people apparently had trouble recognizing him. once, as a joke, Chaplin entered an "Imitate Chaplin" contest. Dozens of contestants, all wearing black hats and baggy suits, got up and did their best to imitate the famous Chaplin walk. Hardly anyone looked exactly like

gave up ➡


fell down ➡


him, but it didn't matter. Without identifying himself, Chaplin also got up on the stage and did the same routine. After the first round, a few of the contestants dropped out , but most of them did their performance a second time. When the contest was all over, the real Chaplin only came in third!

Before You Go on

1. How did William Ellis break soccer game rules?

2. Why did Chaplin enter the contest?

Over to You

Do you know any other stories about Charlie Chaplin?

Why people call it Mount Everest.

 The modern name for the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, comes from a comment made by a Canadian explorer named Francis Guillardot in 1911. Previously, the mountain had been known as K-21. A few hours before Guillardot

prepared for ➡


left on a journey ➡


set off on his 8,848-meter climb, a young newspaper journalist asked, "What will be the first thing you do, sir, when you get to the top of this great mountain?" Guillardot smiled and said, "Have a rest." This phrase quickly became a nickname for the mountain. Over time, "Have a rest" turned into "Everest," the name we use today.

교과서 125쪽

After You Read

A. Complete the Summary

Read the statements and fill in the blanks.

1. The ____________ was named after President Roosevelt in honor of his affection for bears.

2. Rugby was created accidentally by a boy who ____________ the rules in a  ____________ game.

3. Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike ____________, but he got third prize!

B. Find the Meaning

What does each underlined part refer to? Find it in the text and write your answer.

1. ... he thought it was a cruel sport.  l. 14

2. ... this new way of playing caught on throughout the school, ....  ll. 38-39

3. Hardly anyone looked exactly like him, but it didn't matter.  ll. 49-50

C. Go Beyond the Text

Here are more stories. Which ones are true?



ⓐ It has a Tibetan name, Chomolungma, which means "ever rest" in English.

ⓑ In 1865, the mountain was named after Sir George Everest by the Royal Geographical Society.

1. Mount Everest

2. the White House




ⓐ It was burned by the British in 1814 and has been painted white ever since.

ⓑ It was painted white to protect the building from the cold, damp weather.


교과서 126~127쪽

Language Focus

A. Vocabulary Skills

-er / or

explorer       lawyer         actor           juror


artist          journalist       physicist       psychologist


comedian      magician       physician       politician

-ent / ant

assistant       contestant      president       resident

Choose the right words to complete the story.

  As a legal (assistant / contestant) to a trial lawyer, I thought I had heard every possible excuse from prospective (jurors / judges) when they tried to get out of jury duty. I was mistaken. one day, a woman came up and announced, "Your Honor, I am a (fortuneteller / bankteller) and already know the outcome of each case." When the (juror / judge) let her go, she smiled and replied, "I knew you would."

⋅ The band brought out a new CD after six months of preparation.

⋅ The president gave in and had the whole building painted white.

⋅ We are not sure if he will turn up at the party tonight.

B. expressions in Context

Complete the story using expressions from the box above. Change the forms if necessary.

  King Louis XI of France was somewhat uneasy about a fortuneteller, and he decided to get rid of him. When the fortuneteller ________________ at his castle, his servants were ready to throw the man out of the window. First, however, the king said, "You claim to know the fate of others, so tell me what your own fate will be and how long you have to live." The fortuneteller ________________ his answer: "I shall die just three days before you, Your Majesty." This so unnerved the king that he finally ________________ and let the fortuneteller live.

⋅ The ball hardly touched the ground in the new game.

⋅ The students seldom understand how to apply the rule to that problem.

C. Grammar Points

1. Read the story and correct one mistake.

  A famous pop star was once introduced to the uncrowned king of golf, Tiger Woods.

  "I love your music," Woods declared. "I hardly ever miss your new CDs."

  "Sorry, I seldom don't watch tennis," she said, "so I don't know much about you."

Dozens of contestants got up and did their best.

⋅ one fine day in winter, the ants were busy drying their store of corn.

2. Read each statement. Find the mistakes and correct them.

(1) The mice once held a meeting to discuss how to deal with its enemy, the cat.

(2) Some people think the fly just moves their wings just up and down. Actually, it moves them in a circular motion, too.

(3) Although he heard the scream, he had no idea where they came from.

교과서 128~129쪽

Writing Project - Welcome to the Quiz Show

Let's play a trivia game. Make some questions and play the game with your classmates.

A. Discuss and Choose

Work in groups and choose three topics you want to make quiz questions about.

▢ Geography          ▢ Music               ▢ Art

▢ History             ▢ Sports              ▢ English

▢ Science             ▢ Pop Culture

B. Read and Figure Out

Answer the sample questions individually. Then make some questions of your own.


  This is a soccer player, rated as the greatest of all time. When he scored his 1,000th goal, he dedicated it to the poor children of Brazil. Who is he?


  This is one of the comets in the solar system. It is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye. It last appeared in 1986 and will next appear in 2061. What is the name of this comet?



<Write your own.>

C. Think and Write

Now choose the three most interesting questions from your group and write them down for the game. You can give each question a score ranging between 100-300 points.

1. Question: ________________________________________________________________________



  Answer: _______________________________________________________ Score (          )

2. Question: ________________________________________________________________________



  Answer: _______________________________________________________ Score (          )

3. Question: ________________________________________________________________________



  Answer: _______________________________________________________ Score (          )

D. Play a Game

Rules for the Trivia Quiz

1. The group which finishes writing the questions first gets the first turn.

2. The group which gets the correct answer chooses the next topic.

3. The first group to reach 1,000 points is the winner.

4. Each group has only one chance to answer a question.

Play a trivia quiz game in class. Take turns asking the questions.

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5






교과서 130~131쪽



M: You know the White House in America?

W: Yeah. What about it?

M: Well, the first president who lived there wanted it painted red, white, and blue, but the paint stores had run out of paint.

W: You actually believe that story?

M: Sure. Isn't it true?

W: No way. Look at the date, for one thing. When does it say he moved in?

M: In 1871.

W: So you don't think any president lived in the White House before then? Where do you think Abraham Lincoln lived?

M: I guess you have a point.

W: Anyway, most houses of that time were painted only one color.

1. Listen. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

ⓐ who moved into the White House

ⓑ why Abraham Lincoln is great

ⓒ why the White House is white

ⓓ how to protect a building with paint

ⓔ what the nicknames of the White House are

2. Listen. What will the boy probably say next?


W: What are you doing, Bryan?

M: Hi, Betty. I'm organizing the trivia quiz show for the school festival next week.

W: Oh, are you the host of the quiz show?

M: Yes. I finished preparing the questions and prizes with the help of the teachers.

W: Sounds great!

M: But the problem is how to lead the show. I want to make it more dynamic and exciting than last time.

W: Exciting and dynamic? What do you mean?

M: I want the audience to get involved in the process.

W: That's very simple.

M: Do you have any ideas?

W: Why don't you ask the audience whenever the contestants don't know the answer? It'll be like a "turn to the audience" moment.

M: _______________________________________________________

ⓐ That sounds interesting.

ⓑ Sorry. I'd better go now.

ⓒ I guess I have to join the show.

ⓓ Thanks. It's very nice of you to answer the question.

ⓔ Congratulations! You're the winner of the show.


M: Gina's friend, Mark, knows a lot of interesting trivia. Last week at lunch, he entertained all his friends with facts from around the world. First, he said, "You know Rome? Well, there is a city named Rome on every continent except Antarctica." Then he stated, "By the way, there are more than 9,500 different types of grass." Mark went on and on, making everyone smile. After lunch, Gina's friend, Linda, asked, "How was your lunch?" In this situation, how will Gina probably respond?

3. Listen. What is Gina most likely to say?

ⓐ I didn't know that! That's amazing!

ⓑ It was interesting and entertaining.

ⓒ I'd like a salad and a sandwich, please.

ⓓ Is that really true? I find it hard to believe.

ⓔ Actually, there aren't 9,500. It's just a myth.


W: I'll never forget my first day at this school.

M: Why? Did something memorable happen?

W: It sure did. That was the day I had my most embarrassing moment ever!

M: Tell me about it!

W: Well, one of the teachers, who I found out later is quite strict, was introducing her course.

M: Go on.

W: Well, I was thinking about something else, when suddenly she called on me!

M: Oh, no! What did you do?

W: She was waiting for a response, so I just guessed and answered, "Yes!"

M: And so, what happened?

W: Everybody laughed! The question she had asked was, "Is there anyone here who wants to fail?"

4. Listen and answer the questions.


 The girl                                            .


(1) Why was the girl embarrassed?


 Is there anyone here                                              ?


(2) What was the teacher's question?

5. Read each statement and choose the right word.

(1) An assistant is a person who helps people achieve (his or her / their) goals.

(2) Journalists put information in (his or her / their) own words so that it will catch readers' attention.

(3) Mountain lions and other larger animals live in this area but are (hard / hardly) ever seen.

(4) If you regularly eat fried foods and snacks, you can (rare / rarely) focus on your studies.

  One day during a speaking tour, Albert Eisnstein's driver, who often sat at the back of the halls during his lectures, remarked, "I could probably give the lecture myself. I've heard (A) it so many times." Sure enough, at the next stop on the tour, Einstein and the driver switched places, with Einstein sitting at the back in his driver's uniform. Having delivered a perfect lecture, the driver was asked to answer a difficult question by a member of the audience. "Well, the answer to that question is quite simple," he casually replied. "I bet my driver, sitting in the back there, could answer (B) it."

[6-7] Read the passage and answer the questions.

6. Which word best describes the driver?

ⓐ witty

ⓑ depressed

ⓒ diligent

ⓓ honest

ⓔ impatient

7. What does each underlined it refer to?

(A) _____________________

(B) _____________________

교과서 132쪽

Take a Break

Different Countries, Different Color Codes

  The color of fire hydrants varies from country to country. For example, fire hydrants in Russia and Finland are painted blue, while those in Korea and Japan are red. What causes these differences? There is no clear answer, but different colors stand for different ideas. Red fire hydrants in Korea and Japan represent the emergency of fires, while blue ones in Finland and Russia indicate the importance of the water supply.

[Web Corner] Can you think of other examples of different color codes?

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