
`고2,영어 1과 분석

장코폴로 2012. 9. 12. 08:41

1. Mr. Han: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. Tonight,  the famous futurist 
                                                                                                           미래 학자
Mr. Miller is here / (in order) to [discuss about / discuss] society’s changing demands. 
                                                    discuss = talk about
타동사 용법   enter the room, attend the meeting, join the army, resemble his father
Specifically, he will [discuss about / discuss] the skills / [that  / where] today’s youth 
                                                                                  목적격 관계대명사
will need / for life in the 21st century. Mr. Miller, thank you for [joining / joining with] us.                                                      
Mr. Miller: Good evening, Mr. Han. Thank you for inviting me here.

Mr. Han: Now, let’s talk about some of these 21st-century life skills / (that / which) I just
mentioned. What is the first one [that  / which] you’d like to introduce?
      서수(또는 the only, the very, the best )  +선행사 + 관계대명사 that
Mr. Miller: It’s /the skill of being able to use digital information effectively. We can also

 call it digital literacy.?
       ‘디지털 활용 능력’
Han: What does that mean exactly?
        = digital literacy
Mr. Miller: Well, until recently, literacy has meant the ability / to read, write, and do basic math.                                        

   ‘글자 인식 능력’
But that’s changing. We now get our information from a variety of digital sources, 
      = the meaning of literacy
/ [on / in] particular / (We now get our information from)  the Internet.         = particularly  '특히'


2. Mr. Miller: What is more, the amount of information (which is) available / is constantly
                    = Besides,             주어                             ‘이용 가능한’    동사  ‘끊임없이’
                    = In addition   = Moreover = Furthermore          
increasing; research suggests / that the amount of digital information (which is) available/
[should double / doubles] every hour. So, in the future, / information will be even more abundant
                         동사                                                       =much, still, far   ‘풍부한’
비교)  I’d like to propose /that our classes [are / be] shorter. 
 다른 예)  Some scientists have suggested / that we ① [can / should] now clone Nobel Prize winners and star athletes      
 “복제할 수 있다고 제안하다” 
Mr. Han: Then / [that / it] is fair / to say / that today’s youth is born into a world /
                                   가주어     진주어   fair = reasonable and acceptable
(which is) rich with information.
                 풍부한 = abundant
Mr. Miller: Right. Modern society is an ocean of information; without the right skills,
                                                                                                       = digital literacy
you can drown in it. The young need to be able to ?[satisfy / identify] useful information
                              =Young people                                   ‘식별하다’
and? [discard / regard] the rest. For example, take the basic skill of being able to
            ‘버리다’  =throw away                                                         동격
[satisfy / identify] spam emails. Without it, you would be the victim of numerous
viruses, scams, and even electronic bank thefts. In short, / digital [literacy / display]
is / the ability / to understand the meaning and value of ?the facts,? figures, ?messages, 

and ?texts / that fill our lives.


3. Mr. Han: I see. So / what [another / other] life skills / for the 21st century/ can
                                                          other + 복수 명사
you tell [us / us about]?

Mr. Miller: Well,[another / other] major skill / (that) people will need / is
                          another + 단수 명사     주어                                       동사
cross-cultural awareness.
‘다문화에 대한 이해’
Mr. Han: Could you give us a better idea of what that means?

Mr. Miller: Certainly. The [global / local] economy means / that young people will

have more opportunities / to work with people / from [another / other] countries.
                                                                                                      other +  복수명사
Good cross-cultural skills? allow people [interact / to interact] effectively  /without
 ‘다문화 이해 능력’       allow  A to B : A가 B하는 것을 허용하다
causing misunderstandings.  For example, when [to meet / meeting] someone / from
                                                                분사구문 = when you meet someone~
[another / other]  culture, should you kiss, bow, or shake hands? [Knowing / Known]
another + 단수명사                                                                        주어 (동명사)
 [another / other]  cultures’ greetings, dress code, punctuality, and dining etiquette //  [is /  are]
                                                  ‘복장 규정’   ‘ 시간 엄수’                      동사
important not only for successful international business dealings, / but also for
                             ‘A뿐만 아니라 B도’                              거래
maintaining a harmonious multi-cultural society.


4. Mr. Han: Oh, I see. So /  people / with good cross-cultural awareness / would
                                         주어       =having = who have                          
be able to collaborate well with people /  from any cultural background.
 동사                 ‘협력하다’
Mr. Miller: That’s right. Today’s students should learn these skills / in order to

collaborate [successively / successfully] with people / from across the globe.
                         연속적으로 / 성공적으로
In fact, collaboration is [another / other] essential skill for the 21st century.


Mr. Han: Can you describe that / in a little more detail?

Mr. Miller: Sure. Collaboration skills? include / working effectively with others /

(in order) [to accomplish / accomplishing] a common goal. [Being / Having Been]

a team player / is 100% necessary / in the business world of the future. And

communication skills? are the basis of that.
                                                            =being a team player


5. Mr. Miller ; The economy is changing fast, / and it is estimated that  by 2014,
                                                                               가주어  ‘추정하다’  진주어
80% of jobs will be [relating / related] to the service industry. That means / (that) 80% of
us will be working directly with other  people,  / so communication is crucial. In fact,
                                                                                                         = extremely important 
communication is such an important skill / that I [can / cannot] emphasize it enough.
                어순 주의  =so important a skill   ‘너무나 ~ 해서 ~ 하다’   cannot ~ too much
Mr. Han: I see. So / how can young people know [whether / when] they have good 
                                                                              ~인지 아닌지
communication skills?

Mr. Miller: Well, they should ask [them / themselves] these questions: Can I make eye
                                                                ‘그들 자신에게’
contact with the person / (who)  I’m [talking / talking to]? Do I know / how [taking/ to take] 
                                                                                                          의문사+ to 부정사
                                                                                               =how I should take turns ~
turns / when communicating? Do I understand the importance of body language and
take turns 교대하다  (순서대로 이야기하다)
tone of voice? Can I solve verbal conflicts?  [Those / one] who can (answer to these questions) /
                                 ‘언어적인’ ‘ 분쟁’     those who ~하는 사람들
are the kind of people // who make and keep friends easily / and collaborate with others well.
  ‘그런 종류의’
( They have good communication skills. )


6. Mr. Han: It seems as though many of these skills are tied together, [doesn’t it / aren't  they]?
                 가주어     주어    it seems that 주어  동사                ‘그런 것 같지 않습니까?’
                                                                           doesn't it (seem as though ~ )?
 And I assume that ⑤social skills are related to all these (skills) , [ isn't it / aren’t they]?
                                                                                                      ‘그렇지 않습니까?’
                                                                          aren’t they (related to all these skills)?
Mr. Miller: Yes, they certainly are (related to all these skills). They form the basis of society.

The future will bring humans into ever increasing contact with [one another / each other].
‘미래에는 사람들이 서로 접촉하는 일이 계속 증가할 것입니다.’
Good social skills can make this contact as harmonious and productive as possible.
                                  5형식동사  + 목적어 + 목적보어(형용사)   as 원급 as possible
[It / They] can be broken down / into various components, one of [them / which] is effective
    = social skills ?? ?                          ‘구성 요소’     계속적 용법의 주격 관계대명사
                                                                                     = and one of them is effective ~
?communication, [that /which] we’ve already covered. [Another / the other] (component) 
                       계속적 용법의 목적격 관계대명사                another + 단수 명사
                       = and we’ve already covered it
is ?compassion. To create a bright future, we should be capable of understanding and
    ‘이해심’                                                                  ‘ ~ 할 수 있다’  전치사 of + 동명사
                                                                                   =be able to V
[sympathize / sympathizing] with others. The next element of good social skills / is
    ‘공감하다’                                                            ‘요소’ = component
?personal responsibility. This includes patience, determination, and hard work.   
‘개인의’                                    ‘결정력’         = diligence

7. Mr. Han: Inspiring stuff, Mr. Miller. You describe social skills [as / for] being
                                                           describe A as B             전치사+ 동명사
more than just the ability /  to get along with others.
                                                    ‘잘 지내다’
Mr. Miller: Yes, quite. ?Social skills, [along with / apart from] the other skills / (that) I mentioned,
                                 주어            ~와 함께   /  ~와 별도로
are all [vital  /  dispensable] / for success / in the global technological age. In the 21st century,
동사    ‘필수적인‘     dispensable:  ‘불필요한’


people are going to be working with and learning from diverse groups / in a variety of
                                                                                     = various                  = various
professional and social settings. If they [will learn / learn] / to use the social skills / (that)
                                             때나 조건을 나타내는 부사절에서는 미래의 의미에 현재시제
                                                                                  동사 + 목적어 (to 부정사)
I’ve just mentioned, /  then they will be able to function / at a higher level, / [created / creating]
                                                                         ‘역할을 수행하다’                 분사구문
a brighter future.                                                               =and they will create a brighter future

Mr. Han: Well, thank you, Mr. Miller. I’ve learned a great deal / from talking with you.

Mr. Miller: My pleasure. And I’d like to say / that more [future-related / future-relating]

information can be found / on my homepage. There / you will find plenty more specific 
information / about life skills for the 21st century.
Mr. Han: I see. Thank you for your time, Mr. Miller. That’s it from us. Thank you for 
                                                                  ‘이상으로 저희 방송을 마치겠습니다.’
watching, and good night.

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