
고2,영어 2과 본문

장코폴로 2012. 9. 12. 08:29


part 1
① In Cremona, Italy, during the middle of the seventeenth century, there were three young


friends named Salvator, Julio, and Antonio.



② Salvator was a talented singer with a deep tenor voice, and Julio was an accomplished



③ The two would often stroll through the city streets playing and singing together.


④ Antonio loved music as well, but when he tried to sing along, everyone would tease him


about the squeaky sound of his weak voice.


⑤ However, like his friends, Antonio had a special talent.


⑥ Using a pocketknife given to him by his grandfather, he would whittle pieces of wood into all


kinds of beautiful shapes and objects.



part 2
① The city of Cremona had an annual festival each spring, when the houses and streets would


be strewn with beautiful decorations and the people would dress in their best clothes.


② This particular year, Salvator and Julio made plans to go to the city’s cathedral and entertain


the people in the crowded plaza with their music.



③ Even though he couldn’t sing well, they invited their friend Antonio to come along with them


so they could enjoy the festival together.



④ Antonio accepted their invitation because he knew going to the festival would be fun, but the


knowledge that he’d have to stand to the side and silently observe while his friends sang and


played the violin hurt him deep inside.



⑤ Despite his lack of talent, his love of music ran as deep as theirs.




part 3
① At the festival, the boys entertained the crowd with their talent and were rewarded with


coins tossed to them by admiring passersby.


② At one point, an old man stopped and listened to their music intently.


③ When they finished their song, he complimented them, pressed a coin into Salvator’s hand,


and then disappeared into the crowd.


④ Looking down into his open hand, Salvator was stunned to discover a gold coin sitting on his palm.


⑤ The excited boys took turns biting it to test its authenticity and concluded that it was real.


⑥ Antonio asked his friends if they knew who the man was, and they explained that he was

the great Amati.

part 4
① “Who is Amati?” asked Antonio, embarrassed by his lack of knowledge.


② “You don’t know who Amati is?” asked Salvator in disbelief. “Of course he doesn’t,” laughed Julio.


③ “Our friend Antonio is not a musician like me or a singer like you. He is just a whittler of


wood, so he has no reason to know about Amati, the greatest violin maker in the entire world.”


④ It was, of course, true. Amati was internationally renowned as a maker of violins and he


lived in the city of Cremona.


⑤ Humiliated by both his own ignorance and the thoughtless words of his friend, Antonio


slipped away and quietly returned to his house.


⑥ The next morning he made a bold decision. Filling a small bag with some of the most


exquisite objects he had carved from wood with his pocketknife, Antonio set off to find the house


of Amati.


⑦ Several hours later, with the help of some directions from kind strangers, he stood before the


door of Amati’s house.


⑧ He knocked until a young servant appeared, and then begged and pleaded to be allowed to


speak to the boy’s master.


⑨ The servant hesitated, but eventually brought Antonio to see Amati.


part 5
① "Please take a look at these," he said as he removed the carved objects from his bag.


   "And tell me if you think I'm talented enough to learn how to make violins."


② Amati carefully looked over the objects Antonio had whittled.


   Then he asked Antonio why he wanted to make violins.


③ Antonio took a deep breath and explained how his love for music was hampered by his weak,

squeaky voice.


④ With tears in his eyes, he went on to explain how he wanted to bring music and happiness


to people as his friends Salvator and Julio did.


⑤ Amati was moved by the boy's story and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.


⑥ "It is obvious to me," the violin maker said, "that you truly have music in your heart.


⑦ Singing and playing an instrument aren't the only ways to bring this music to life and share


it with the world. 


⑧ You are an extremely talented whittler. I believe that you can use this skill to help others

make music."


part 6
① Antonio was thrilled to hear such kind words from such a great man, and vowed on the spot


to become a skilled violin maker himself.


② Soon after, Amati accepted him as an apprentice and taught Antonio all of his secrets.


③ It took many years to learn all the tricks and techniques that were required to make the


seventy different parts of a violin, but Antonio was patient and determined.


④ By the time he was 22 years old, Antonio was making his own violins and signing his name to them.


⑤ Antonio Stradivari continued making violins for the rest of his life. Before his death,


⑥ he had created more than 1,000 violins, each one even better than the one that preceded it.


⑦ These days, people who are lucky enough to own a Stradivarius violin know that they possess


more than a musical instrument ? they own a true work of art.


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