
고1 영어 1과(2012)

장코폴로 2011. 12. 27. 10:44

LESSON 1, Where the Heart Is

An Apple Tree



When I was younger, I used to silently pray /that I would be nothing (like my father) /when

I grew up.

과거의 규칙적습관 /기도하다



Other kids /my age/ were proud to say /that their dads were their heroes, /which really bothered me.

~하는 것을 자랑스러워하다



I secretly envied them /because I did not have a father (like that).

(남)몰래 envy

My father was so serious (in everything) /he did.



His brow was always wrinkled, a sign of his constant watch (over his family).

[brau]이마,눈썹 주름살지다 의미 ,끊임없는 (주시)


It was his own way of saying /that his expectations were not being met.

기대 (meet one's expectations ~의기대를 충족시키다)


My grandmother could not remember a time /when my father had done anything /wrong.


He was too perfect to be a role model (for me).



I felt timid and self-conscious (around him).

소심한 주변을 의식하는,수줍어하는



It is true /that my father wanted me to make the right decision (at every crossroad) (in my life),  but always (from his perspective).

결정 기로(교차로),from one's perspective~의 관점에서 보면


My father was always offering words (of advice).

과거진행:과거지속반복동작 제공하다,말하다

Although they may have been ancient proverbs or old sayings, they were always "Daddy originals" (to me).

~일지도 모른다 옛날의,고대의 속담,격언 아빠의 원작(해석참조)


"When you're prepared, you'll never be scared," he would tell me /when I was up late studying (for a test).

수동태,준비하다 무서워하는,겁먹은, 과거불규칙습관 be up late 늦게까지 깨어있다



He always stressed the importance (of preparation.)

강조하다 준비


"Haste makes waste," was his response /when I would bring home a math exam /full of careless mistakes.

급함 헛되이하다 응답,대답.서두르면 일을 그르친다.가져오다 부주의한



"When you lose an hour (in the morning), you search for it the rest (of the day)," is the Chinese proverb /I often heard (on Saturday mornings) /when I had tons of homework.

~을 찾다.엄청나게 많은


In short, I couldn't afford to relax or be just average (on any exam).

한마디로 can't afford to~할 여유가 없다 긴장을늦추다. 평균


Before You Go on

Why did the writer envy other kids her age?


Because they were proud of their fathers.

What did the writer's father say /when she


made careless mistakes (on her math exam)?

Haste makes waste.

Over to You

When did you feel /that being ready is

important (in your life)?

When I had an essay writing test and the


topic was (from one) (of the books) /I had


read before.



"Live (by foresight), and learn (from hindsight)," he would say /when I was younger and just old enough to understand /what "fore-" and "hind-" mean.

선견지명 [háindsàit]뒤늦은 꾀,때늦은지혜,통찰력에 따라 살고 때 늦은 지혜로부터 배워라, 겨우,선(先) 후(後)


These sayings buzzed (in my ears) (at times) /when, as I got older, I wanted /to scream: "I know, Dad! You've only been telling me these things /since I was two years old!"


윙윙거리다 때때로,이따금/~함에따라 get+비교급 소리치다


I always recognized /that he wanted me /to do my best, but his advice lacked a loving tone.

알아주다,인지하다/최선 결핍되다 사랑스런 어조


Indeed, at times /his voice became one (of nagging monotony).

실로,참으로,정말 목소리/잔소리가 심한 단조로움,한결같음[mənɑ́təni]


I was (on the right track), I guess, and he

be on the right track바람직한 방향으로 가다

didn't have to constantly lecture me (on the

끊임없이, 항상 강의하다,설교하다

virtue) (of hard work).




As I have grown older, however, I have realized

~함에따라 grow(get)+비교급

/that Dad, (in his own way), has been trying /to

in one's own way~만의 방식으로

guide me (in the right direction).

이끌(어주)다 방향

Everything became much clearer (to me) last

become,get,grow+비교급 비교급강조 확실한 지난

~해지다, ~하(게 되)다


I was away (at summer school) (for two

be away떨어져 있다,부재중이다

months) (in Massachusetts.)


It was the longest separation /I had had (from

분리 that생략

my parents).


I was too far (from home) to see my parents

even (on weekends).


Communication (with my family) consisted of

연락 ~으로 구성되다

more e-mail messages (than telephone



My father corresponded (with me) more (than

~와 서신 왕래하다

anyone /else).

He always returned my e-mails promptly and

답장하다 즉시

tried (in his own way) /to cheer me up.

try 격려하다

He signed one (of his e-mails) "love ya," /which


is not at all (like him), and I was reminded of

전혀 ~가 생각나다

remind+A+of+B A에게 B를 생각나게 하다→(수동태)A+be reminded of+B

another one (of his sayings): "When you lose your

유머감각을 잃으면 분별도 잃는다

sense (of humor), you lose your mind."

분별을 잃다 lose one's mind

You know what?

(In English), "you" is sometimes shortened


(to "ya") /to express closeness.

표현하다 친근감

For example, many people say "See ya!"

/when they say good-bye (to their friends), and


sign their letter or e-mail (with "Love ya)!" or


"Miss I ya!"

Before You Go on

(According to the writer), what was lacking

(in her father's advice)?


A loving tone.

How did the writer communicate (with her

family) /while she was away (at summer


Mainly (by e-mail).

Over (to You)

How well do you get along (with your

~와 잘 지내다


I sometimes argue (with them) /when they


nag me /to study, but usually we get along

잔소리하다 잘(fine)지내다




(Near the end) (of summer school), I got a

phone call (from Mom).

She said, "We had a family reunion (at


Grandma's last weekend), and guess /what your

father did!

He had printed out all (of your e-mails) and

시제주의 print out출력하다

shared them (with all of your cousins).

He was so proud of the fact /that you were

doing great (on your own) and he said /he loves

you so much."

I had an epiphany: (in my messages), Dad was


reading (about preparation and patience, time


management, and foresight).


I made him laugh a lot, too.


Then I remembered another one (of his sayings): "The apple doesn't fall far (from the


And I cried. I should have known earlier /that my father had always been there (for me) (as my true hero).


should have+pp


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