
고2-3과 문법정리

장코폴로 2011. 4. 4. 21:01

Lesson 3, Fitness for You

Walking Works Miracles!

Research shows (that) regular walking can improve your heart and circulation, lower blood pressure, and help protect against a wide range of health problems. Most people also find that walking is cheaper, more attractive, and 1) much easier to fit into their schedules than gym―based exercise or organized sports.


1) much easier

비교급 강조

much, even, still, far, by far. a lot, a little / 참고로 very는 안됨

Seoul is much larger than incheon.

Gold is by far more valuable than silver.

최상급 강조

much, by far, very

He is by far the best student in the class.

This is a practical guide to walking. Read through the guide and learn about the benefits of walking. 2) Start walking your way to better health now.


2) Start walking

동명사 . to부정사를 다 취하는 동사

begin, intend(-할 작정을 하다), like(-을 하고싶다), regret(-을 후회하다),

start(-을 착수하다), fear(-을 무서워하다), continue(-을 계속하다),

omit(-을 생략하다), love(-하기를 좋아하다), propose(-을 제의하다),

hate(-을 싫어하다), purpose(-을 생각 중이다), cease(-을 중단하다),

decline(-을 거절하다). neglect(-을 소홀히 하다)

She declined joining(to join) our party.

We propose leaving(to leave) here tomorrow.


Surprising 3) Statistics

학과명, 질병 이름, 게임, 국가명 등은 단수취급

politics (정치학) economics (경제학) linguistics (언어학)

statistics (통계학/통계자료)

Statistics is a branch of Mathematics.

measles /billiards / The United States of America (단수)

Regular walking reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 50 (Department of Health, the UK)

Lack of exercise causes 4) more illness than smoking in European Union countries. (World Health Organization)


4) more

병렬구조: 비교구문에서 비교되는 대상의 연결 as, than, to 등

Taking an express bus is as costly as taking a train.

I prefer cooking at home to eating out.

I would rather sing in the chorus than perform a solo.

A brisk 5) 20―minute walk burns around 100 calories, 6) as much as swimming for 10 minutes, playing football for 12 minutes, or doing aerobics for 16 minutes. (Countryside Agency, the UK)


5) 20―minute walk

수사 단수명사 + 명사 100 meter race

수사 복수명사 + 형용사 three inches tall


6) as much as

as -- as 사이에는 형용사와 부사가 나온다.(--만큼 -한)

I earn as much as she does.

I need as much money as possible.

Car users regularly suffer up to 7) three times as much pollution as pedestrians because they are sitting in traffic 8) breathing in the exhaust fumes from the cars in front of them. (Environmental Transport Association, the UK)


7) three times as much pollution as

배수 twice(half, three times, etc.) as~as 몇 배나 ---하다.

This tree is three times as tall as that one.

It costs three times as much as a boeing 737.


8) breathing

목적어가 없이 주어를 보충설명하면 주격보어

앞에 목적어가 있고 목적어를 설명하면 목적격보어

The class becomes silent.[주격보어]

He madethe students be silent.[목적격보어]

Case Studies: Witnesses to Benefits

I've always struggled with my weight. I've tried everything from starvation to aerobics 9) with little long―term success. Nothing worked, so I began walking as much as I could, at least an hour each day. Everybody thought I was ill-advised, but walking paid off. Over a two―year period, I lost 20 kilograms. Walking really works for me because I can 10) fit it into my day easily. It has freed me from crazy diets. It costs nothing and helps me deal with the stress 25 of the day.

― Sharon Woods


9) with little long―term success

부대상황을 나타내는「with+목적어+형용사/부사(구)」

분사구문 대신에 전치사 with를 이용한 부사구로도 부대상황을 표현할 수 있다.

대체로「with+목적어+형용사/부사(구)」의 형태로 표현된다.

Don’t speak with your mouth full.

He was sitting on the sofa with a pipe in his mouth.

Mr. Smith often sleeps with one eye open.

He stood there with his back against the wall.

She ran away with her baby in her arms.

with + 목적어 + 부사(구),[형용사, -ing(능동), pp(수동)] -채, -하면서 , 그리고-하다.

I sat reading a book with my wife sewing by my side.

He was sitting with his legs crossed.


10) fit it into


타동사+부사(on, in, off, out..)로 결합된 타동사구와 목적어와의 관계는 다음과 같다.

(1)목적어가 명사일 때 : ‘타동사 +부사 +명사’ 또는 ‘타동사 + 명사 +부사’

부사는 목적어의 앞, 뒤 어디에도 놓일 수 있다.

․Put on your hat.

=Put your hat on.

․We called the meeting off.

=We called off the meeting.

(2)목적어가 대명사일 때 : 타동사+대명사+부사

부사는 대명사(목적어) 뒤에 위치해야 한다.

․Put it on.(O) Put on it.(X)

․We called it off.(O) We called off it(X)

(Conversation overheard on a train.)

W I walk up to my grandpa's once a week. It's about three kilometers away and


11) nearly all uphill.

M Really? Isn't it difficult?

W When I first started doing it, it nearly killed me, but it's easier now.

M Yes, 12) it's difficult for you not having the car anymore.

W Oh, no. I'm glad I do it. It keeps me fit. When I get to the top of the hill, I can feel my heart beating, and I feel 13) alive. I need the fresh air, and now I easily fall asleep when I go to bed.

M Good for you!


11) nearly

‘형용사와 동일한 부사’ 그리고 ‘형용사에 -ly가 붙어서 의미가 변화되는 부사’는 특히 주의를 요한다.

(1)late : 늦은, 늦게

lately : 최근에

(2)hard : 어려운, 딱딱한, 열심히

hardly : 거의~않다.

(3)high : 높은, 높게

highly : 매우

(4)near : 가까운, 가까이

naerly : 거의

(5) fast : 빠른, 빠르게-부사와 형용사의 형태가 같고 fastly라는 단어는 없다.

․He came home late.(그는 늦게 집에 왔다.)

․Have you seen Tom lately?(최근에 Tom 본적 있니?)

․The ground was frozen hard.(땅이 꽁꽁 얼었다.)

․I can hardly understand him.(나는 그를 거의 이해할 수 없다.)

․He held his hand high.(그는 손을 높이 들었다.)

․He was highly praised.(그는 매우 칭찬을 받았다.)

․Come near and watch.(가까이 와서 보아라.)

․He was nearly drowned.(그는 거의 익사할 뻔했다.)


12) it's difficult for you not having

명사구인 to부정사구/동명사구, 명사절인 that절/의문사절/whether절은 주어자리에 대명사 it을 세우고 위 구/절을 뒤에 위치시키는 가주어 - 진주어 구문

a) it ~to부정사구

1. It is difficult for girls to receive an education in poor countries.

b) it ~동명사구

1.It was a great pleasure to me meeting you and your family.

c) it ~that절

1.It seems true to me that emotions are the enemy of decision making.


13) alive

명사를 앞에서 수식 할 수 없다.

afraid, asleep, alone, alike, alive, ashamed, awake, aware

I have never seen such an afraid child.(×)

The child is afraid of lions.(0) Fish eat living coral(0)

※ alike 는 “똑같은” 이란 의미로 뒤에 명사를 쓸 수 없다

like는 “-와 같은” 의 의미로 like 뒤에 명사가 온다

My father and my mother are alike.

My father is like my mother.

Ten―Week Walk Program

Week 1―2

14) To begin with, just walk a little more as part of your daily routine. 15) Get used to walking more, regardless of the distance. Try getting off the bus one stop earlier, or walking to the shops and taking a bus back home.


14) To begin with,

Above all: 무엇보다도, 첫째로, 특히

=of all others =first of all =in the first place =to begin with =to start with

=before anything else =more than anything else =for one thing =especially


15) Get used to walking

be used to ~ing (~하는 데 익숙하다): 주어 사람

He is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to making speeches in public.

We are not used to eating Mexican food.

주의 : be used to -하는데 이용되다: 주어 사물

This machine is used to take a copy..

참고 :「used to+동사원형」은 과거의 지속적인 상태나 습관을 나타내는 표현이다.

I used to go to school by bus.

There used to be a drugstore around the corner.

Week 3―4

The aim of weeks 3―4 is to make sure 16) that each day you complete at least one walk that lasts ten minutes. So time yourself and try not to stop for ten minutes.


16) that

접속사와 관계대명사의 구분

- 접속사 : 선행사가 없으며 that을 생략해도 that 아래의 절은 원래의 의미를 충실히 전달하므로 완전한 문장이 된다. that이 동격절을 이끄는 경우, that절과 동격이 되는 앞의 명사를 생략해도 전체 문장은 성립된다.

She said that this is apple.

- 관계대명사 : 선행사를 필요로하며 that을 생략하면 that 아래의 절은 원래의 의미를 불충분하게 전달하므로 불완전한 문장이 된다. '~하는 '으로 해석됨.

Anna is the teacher that(who) lives in Seoul.


⦁ You know what?

Shoes are the most important equipment for walking, and you should remember these do's when you choose shoes for walking.


⦁ Do's:

1. Choose shoes 5-10 mm longer than your normal shoe size 17) so that your feet feel 18) comfortable when you walk.

2. Make sure (that) your shoes are well-cushioned 19) so that they can handle the impact of each step.

3. Go for well-ventilated shoes to keep away moisture and prevent blisters.


17) so that

-하기 위하여(목적) in order that, to, so as to

I have to clean my desk so that I prepare to exam.


18) comfortable

2형식은‘주어+불완전자동사+보어(형용사, 분사, 명사)’로 이루어진다. 이때 사용된 동사는 불완전하여 주어의 성질․상태․신분을 완전히 설명해주지 못한다. 따라서 보충 설명되는 말이 필요하다. 이 말을 주격 보어라 한다. 특히 2형식 동사(불완전자동사)로 자주 쓰이는 동사들을 꼭 기억해두자!

*2형식 동사(불완전자동사)들 : be, become, seen, appear, remain, look, prove, smell, taste, touch, feel, sound 등

․ I feel quite comfortable.

․ Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.

․ He looks younger than you.


19) so that they can

so ~ that + 주어 + can : ~할 수 있을 정도로 충분하다.

= enough to + 동사

You are so strong that you can win the contest.

= You are strong enough to win the contest.

Week 5―6

For weeks 5-6, you should aim to walk the 30 minutes a day that experts recommend. But don't worry. This can be done in two sessions of 15 minutes anytime during the day.

Week 7―8

Pace is the key to weeks 7-8. Aim to do at least one of your walks at a brisk pace, without overexerting yourself. You should aim to feel a little warmer and get your heart beating slightly faster.

Week 9―10

For the final two weeks, your target should be 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days of the week. This can be divided into two sessions, but if you can do this in one 30- minute walk, it will be much better for you. This level of walking will have a significant effect on your health and fitness.

On the weekends, you have a chance to vary your routine a little. Try a different route, go to a nearby park, or take the opportunity to walk a little more than usual to see some friends.

Helpful Tips

1. Get into the walking frame of mind by using the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. 20) Every bit counts - even leisurely strolls around the garden!

3. Take advantage of walking to get away from everything and enjoy some valuable thinking time.

4. Do you pass the "talk test"? You should always be able to hold a conversation when you are walking. If you are short of breath, you are probably walking too fast.

5. As you walk faster, you tend to use your arms in a different way. Think of them as a pendulum - long and straight arms slow you down, but short and bent arms speed you up.

6. Vary the terrain occasionally. Soft surfaces like grass, mud, and sand 21) force you to use more energy. Remember that walking up hills makes you burn at least a third more calories.


20) Every

1. every, each + 단수명사 나 every, each A and B 는 단수동사

Every worker counts.

Every boy and girl was invited to the meeting.

주의) every(each)가 들어가는 경우,everybody, everyone, nobody, anybody, someone, anything등도 같은 원칙이 적용

both A and B + 복수동사

Both English and politics are my favorite subject.

2. Neither A nor B, Not A but B, Either A or B, Not only A but B, B as well as A ⇒ B의 인칭에 동사를 일치킴.

Either you or I am in the wrong.

Not I but they were punished.


21) force you to

1. want(원하다) 2. tell(말하다) 3. ask(부탁하다) 4. advise(충고하다)

5. order(명하다) 6. wish(바라다) 7. allow(허락하다) 8. require(요구하다)

9. expect(기대하다) 10. promise (약속하다) 11. enable(가능하게 하다)

12. cause(야기시키다) 13.force(강요하다)  14. convince(납득시키다) 

15. persuade(설득하다) 16. urge (재촉하다, 촉구하다)

I want you to go there.

I wish you to go there.

My mother said me to keep my room clean.