문장 구성원리
Chapter 01 문장 구성의 원리
Practice Test 실력보기 [응용]
1 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
It is believed by many that a bull will attack ① anything colored red. This isn’t true because bulls are colorblind. Bulls will react the same way regardless of the color that ② is used to tease them. In a bullfight, it is the movement of the bullfighter’s cape, not the color, that ③ causes the bull to react. Actually, anything ④ waved in front of a bull will excite the animal and make it charge. In fact, ⑤ wave a white cape or white cloth would probably get a bull to respond quicker, since the bull can see it better.
2 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지은 것은?
For a long time, umbrellas weren’t used in the rain at all. The people in ancient Egypt and Babylon used them as sunshades when they went outside. Then over many years, (A)
an umbrella became a sign of power and honor. In both Egypt and China, only kings and people of high rank (B) allowed to use umbrellas. Often, a servant would hold an umbrella over the king’s head while the king walked outside. (C)
dared to own an umbrella would be punished. The Romans were the first people to use umbrellas as protection from rain.
(A) (B) (C)
① carry …· was …· Anyone
② carry …· were …· Anyone
③ carry …· was …· Anyone who
④ carrying …· were …· Anyone who
⑤ carrying …· was …· Anyone
3 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은?
Scientists are trying to teach primitive people in Africa the connection between keeping large numbers of grazing animals and desertification*. Desertification is the spreading of desert lands. When animals, like cows and sheep, eat too many of the land’s plants, the land begins to turn into desert. (A) that many animals will die during a dry year, they try to keep more animals. They believe that (B) will ensure that some animals are alive when the year ends. But more animals means that more plants get eaten, which causes deserts to spread. Unfortunately, these people find it difficult to understand this connection. Scientists are trying to teach the people of dry areas that too many animals result in more deserts.
*desertification 사막화
(A) (B)
① The people know …· having more animals
② The people know …· to have more animals
③ Because the people know …· having more animals
④ Because the people know …· have more animals
⑤ Because the people know …· had more animals
4 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것끼리 짝지은 것은?
One very important area (A) which computers have a great impact on society is computer crime. Recently, several sensational cases of computer crime have appeared in the news. But the cases (B) discovered thus far are only the tip of the iceberg. Most computer crimes remain hidden. In fact, the amount of money taken in an average robbery is very small compared with the amounts taken through computer theft. Often, those (C) who commit a computer crime are not punished when they are caught. Why? Computer crime in a company can damage a company’s image. Managers know this and (D) feeling worry that if the public learned of the crime, then people might lose confidence in the company.
① (A), (C) ② (A), (D) ③ (B), (C)
④ (B), (D) ⑤ (C), (D)
구조 Structure
다음 영문을 읽고 해석하시오.
1 동사 + 목적어 + -ing〔to부정사/동사원형〕
While we were living in Germany, I often went to the cafes with my father and saw little German children drinking beer. once I begged my father to let me have a small glass of beer.
2 동사 + 목적어 + 과거분사(p.p.)
My friend Tom likes to buy second-hand cars. When he plans to buy a used car, he always has it checked by a mechanic or by a friend who knows about automobiles.
3 동사 + it(가목적어) + 목적격보어 + that절(진목적어)
I think it true that an invention is something 'new,' but actually a completely new idea is patented only once in ten years. There is a great deal of truth in the proverb that there is nothing new under the sun.
4 동사 + it(가목적어) + 목적격보어 + to부정사(진목적어)
It has been an honor and a privilege to work at the company these past seven years. There is no way I could ever list all the people who have helped me in my work during this time. When I came to the company, I was a new college graduate, and now I find it hard to think of myself anywhere else.
핵심 | Text
1 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
A desert wanderer happened upon a spring of cool, crystal clear water. He decided to bring some of the water to the king. He filled his leather canteen and began his long journey to the palace. When he finally reached his destination, the water had become stale because of the old leather canteen. The king tasted it with an expression of gratitude and delight, and the wanderer went his way with a joyful heart.
After he had gone, others in the king’s court tasted the stale water and asked why the king had pretended to enjoy it. "Ah," responded the king, "It was not the water I tasted, but the spirit in which it was given."
① The Value of Water ② A Faithful Subject ③ More Than Water
④ The Origin of the Oasis ⑤ The Stale Water
2 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것을 고르시오.
For years, an old farmer had plowed around a large rock in his field. He had broken one tractor and two plows by hitting it. Each time he approached the rock, he complained about how much cropland he was losing around it and all the damage it had done. one day he decided he had had enough. He set out to dig up the rock and get rid of it. Putting a large crowbar under one side, he found to his surprise that the rock was less than a foot thick. Soon he had it in his wagon and was carting it away. He smiled to think how that "big"old rock had caused him so many needless problems.
→ We sometimes waste so much time and effort avoiding a(n) (A) which can be (B) if we make an effort to do so.
(A) (B) (A) (B)
① problem …· raised ② rock …· approached
③ accident …· escaped ④ loss …· reduced
⑤ obstacle …· removed
문맥 | Context
1 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
Grocers have made Internet shopping available to tens of millions of consumers nationwide. ( ① ) It’s no longer a question of whether Internet groceries can be successful, but rather of how big they will become. ( ② ) The business has doubled the last two years and it is expected to double again this year. ( ③ ) For the most part the demand has been greater than the ability to supply. ( ④ ) online grocers are also delivering shopping lists that can be stored online for easy purchasing next time. ( ⑤ ) Delivery can generally be arranged within two hours to keep people from having to wait at home all day.
2 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
There are several myths about exercise. ① one misconception about exercise is that if women lift weights, they will develop large muscles. ② Without male hormones, however, women cannot increase their muscle mass as much as men’s. ③ Another myth about exercise is that it increases the appetite, but actually, regular exercise stabilizes the blood sugar level and prevents hunger pains. ④ To avoid the pain that comes after exercising, first warm up your muscles by jogging for a few minutes, then do some stretching. ⑤ Some people also think that a few minutes of exercise a day or one session a week is enough, but at least three solid workouts a week are needed for muscular and cardiovascular* fitness.
*cardiovascular 심장 혈관의
세부 | Detail
1 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
When the Western Union Company offered to buy his newly invented machine, Thomas Edison had no idea how much to ask for it. He asked for a few days to think about the purchase price. Edison and his wife talked about the offer. Although surprised by Mrs. Edison’s suggestion to ask for $20,000, he hesitantly agreed and set out to meet the Western Union officials. "What price have you decided on?" the Western Union representative asked. Edison attempted to say $20,000, but the figure seemed so high, he stood speechless. Finally, impatient with the silence, the Western Union businessperson asked, "How about $100,000?"
① Edison의 아내는 욕심이 많은 사람이었다.
② Edison은 회사 대표자가 제시한 금액에 실망했다.
③ Edison의 소박한 마음씨가 오히려 이익을 가져왔다.
④ Edison은 아내가 제시한 금액이 너무 적다고 생각했다.
⑤ Edison은 자신의 발명품의 금전적인 가치를 잘 알고 있었다.
2 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
Hunger and thirst are two feelings we all know well. There are two kinds of hunger. If you miss a meal or two, your empty stomach squeezes and shrinks. This gives you hunger pains. Another kind of hunger comes when there is not enough sugar in the blood to feed the billions of cells in the body. Thirst comes when the total amount of water in your body drops by 3 percent. You feel a dryness in your mouth and throat. When this happens, it means that all your body tissues need water. If you do not eat, the feeling of hunger slowly goes away. But thirst does not go until your body has had the water it needs.
① The stomach lets you know when it is empty.
② High levels of blood sugar can cause hunger.
③ Thirst signals the entire body’s need for water.
④ The need for water is stronger than that for food.
⑤ The feeling of thirst lasts longer than that of hunger.
Read Up 장문 | Essay
Read the following and answer the questions.
( A ) In 1868, Edison patented his first invention. It was a device to record votes mechanically. A congressman whom Edison consulted, however, told him that there wasn’t a chance of the invention being accepted, however unfailingly it might work. A slow vote, it seemed, was sometimes a political necessity. ( B ) He stuck to that. Always he was guided by his notion of the useful and the practical. In 1879, he produced the first practical electric light. In succeeding years, Edison labored to improve the electric light and, mainly, to find ways of making the glowing filament last longer before breaking. As was usual with him, he tried everything he could think of. one of his hit-or-miss efforts was to seal a metal wire into the evacuated electric light bulb, near the filament but not touching it. The two were separated by a small gap of vacuum. ( C ) Edison then turned on the electric current to see if the presence of a metal wire would somehow preserve the life of the glowing filament. It didn’t, and he abandoned the approach. However, he could not help noticing that an electric current seemed to flow from the filament to the wire across the vacuum. ( D ) Nothing in Edison’s vast practical knowledge of electricity explained that phenomenon, and all Edison could do was to observe it, write it up in his notebook, and, in 1884, patent it. The phenomenon was called the "Edison Effect," and it was the inventor’s only discovery in pure science. ( E ) In the 1880s and 1890s, however, scientists who pursued "useless" knowledge for its own sake discovered that subatomic particles (eventually called "electrons") existed, and that an electric current was accompanied by a flow of electrons. The Edison Effect was the result of the ability of electrons, under certain conditions, to travel unimpeded through a vacuum.
1 Where would the following sentences best fit into the passage?
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E)
2 Summarize the main idea of the passage in Korean.